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A few days after moving into my apartment, I had gotten a bit more comfortable with living in a small space without furniture. I'm either in the kitchen or in bed anyway if I'm not at work so it's not a big deal. Thankfully, I was able to go to the store yesterday and do grocery shopping as well as get towels and a bathroom set. Decoration, on the other hand, I decided could wait for a while.

"See you tomorrow, honey," Judith says, smiling at me as I grab my bag and start towards the door.

"See ya," I grin, walking out of the diner and towards my place.

Maybe, I actually got lucky. Maybe I don't have to worry about my dad coming to find me. Or any of his pest workers. I've been living in this town for just about a month and if no one has come for me by now, I doubt they have any idea where I am.

Rounding the corner to my apartment complex, I notice the back of a familiar head.


He turns, a smile on his face. "Addison, hey!"

"What are you doing here? Why didn't you come to the diner to look for me?" I ask.

He chuckles. "Well, I couldn't."

"What do you mean?" I ask, taking a small step back.

"I have a surprise for you," he tells me.

"A surprise? Where?"

"It's kind of... in your apartment."

"How did you-"

"Tiffany," he shrugs. "I told her about the surprise and she let me in."

I gulp. "Okay."

What the hell did he do? Was I right about him actually working for my dad?

Walking up to my apartment, with Joe following behind, I unlock the door and walk inside, my eyes widening as I do.

"Oh. My. God."

Joe chuckles from behind me.

"Why... why did you do this?" I ask, turning around to him. "I told you I had could do it."

"And I could tell that you were lying," he replies. "It's not bad to ask for help, Addison."

"It is where I come from," I tell him, glancing over my shoulder at the newly furnished apartment.

"You're not where you used to be," he says softly.

I look over to him again, sighing. "I really appreciate this, Joe."

He just looks at me.

"You're right. I didn't have the money to furnish this place. I don't really have much right now, so I really appreciate the help. But I'm definitely going to repay you-"

"That's not necessary," he tells me.

I give him a look, opening my mouth to talk again.

"If you insist on doing something than just... buy me dinner."

"Dinner for all this? Joe..."

"It wasn't a problem helping you Addison. Not to mention I won't accept anything aside from food as payment."

I lick my lips, shaking my head. "Okay, fine. How's Chinese sound?"

He grins. "Amazing."

Ordering Chinese food, the two of us walk to the restaurant to pick it up before heading back to my place, sitting at the middle island and eating our food.

"Can I ask you something?" Joe asks halfway through dinner.

"You just did," I joke before sending him a grin. "What's up?"

"Where's your family?" he asks. "We talked about mine a little bit and you told me about your sister but that you two can't see each other or talk anymore. Why not?"

I take in a deep breath, gulping down some water before speaking. "Well, my relationship with my family is extremely... complicated. It's, actually, not even really a thing. My sister was the only person who understood me or anything I ever felt. We can't talk because she's a minor and because my relationship with my parents is non-existent, so is my relationship with her."

Good one, Addison. Nice way to describe it without giving anything away.

Joe gulps, nodding slightly. "Wow, that's gotta be tough. I can't imagine not having anyone in my family. I mean, me and Nick are... not close anymore. But, I can't imagine not having Kevin and being apart of Alena's life. Or not speaking to my parents. I'm sorry that's happening to you. Is that why you moved here?"

I lick my lips, starting to feel bad for not telling him the truth.

But it's too dangerous.

"Kind of, yeah. Honestly, I didn't really know where I was moving to when I moved. I just kind of, left and ended up here."

"Wow," he says, shaking his head. "And now here you are making a life for yourself."

I nod. "With the help of you."

He shakes his head. "No, all I did was furnish your apartment."

"Joe, you're the reason I got this apartment," I admit.

He furrows his brows at me. "What do you mean?"

"The tips that you gave me every time I was your waitress, they put me over the amount I needed to stay at the B&B the first time, and the change you told me to keep this last time gave me the amount I needed for this apartment. Without you, I wouldn't have anywhere to live. That's why I didn't want you to furnish this place..." I pause. "You've already done enough for me."

He gulps, licking his lips. "I didn't realize I had helped you that much."

I nod. "You never asked."

"Well, I mean, as I said before I don't mind helping you. I know you won't ask for it and I'm not gonna give you big tips because you told me that. I wouldn't have given you them if I didn't think you deserved them anyway. You've been working your ass off and I know that" he nods. "You work at the diner six out of seven days a week. Ten hours a day. Over time because the diner is low on staff. You deserve every piece of help that I've given you and I don't regret it at all."

I give him a grin. "Thank you, Joe. For everything."

He smiles, reaching out nervously to grab my hand before squeezing it.

I gulp, looking down at our hands as he nervously pulls it back to his silverware.

"I have an idea," I say, speaking up after a moment of silence.

He raises his brows.

"Now that I don't have to save up to furnish this place, and we've eaten an early dinner. The home stores are still open for a few hours. Why don't we head out so I can get some decorations?"

He raises his eyebrows. "You want me to come?"

"Well, you have a car and I can't carry everything in my hands," I joke before laughing at his dull reaction. "I'm joking. Yeah, I want you to come. I think it'd be fun to have your help."

He smiles. "What kind of style do you like?"

"I'm gonna say abstract modern? But also kind of rustic?"

He chuckles. "So, abstract rustic modern. Got it."

I smile and we clean up the kitchen before leaving the apartment and getting in his car.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to keep Joe as a friend after all. I know I wanted to stay to myself but he's really sweet and honestly... kind of makes me happy.

I'm not scared of being caught when I'm with him. Or getting hurt.

It just feels... natural.

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