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Remember when we were little girls? How we would be so excited and dress up in dresses and tiaras? I mean, wasn't that the life? We didn't have anything to worry about. We could just dress up, be the princess we thought we'd always be. Our mamas would give us the tiny cookies and plastic teacups full of water as we lined our stuffed animals up around a square wobbly table and gave each animal a distinct voice as if they were talking to us. It was actually, in a way, sort of beautiful.

Oh, how my life has changed.

When I turned 7, my parents took all of that nonsense away from me and started training me for the rest of my life. My life has been as unorthodox as it can get. Homeschool, fight and gun training, drug searching, you name it. Turns out I'm actually really good at all of these things. There's just one problem.

I don't want anything to do with it. At all.

My parents know this. I've expressed it since I learned how to have a mind of my own. They don't really care. My place is at their home and if I think any differently I'm snapped back into reality just as quickly as my mind is swayed.

Tonight. That all changes.

Running, panting, I talk myself out of stopping. Sure, I know it's possible that I'll get caught either way but there's no way I'm going back to that house if I have any other choice. I turn for just a moment, watching the building in the distance burn to a crisp before turning ahead and pushing myself forward.

My parents are smart. They got out. I know they did. Now I've got to get out of my own misery. They'll live without me.

Halting to the side, my breath hitches as I'm thrown behind a tree, a hand covering my mouth.

"Jacob?!" I say, blinking. "What the hell?"

"You know I can't let you run away, Addison," he says. "Your parents would kill me."

"Then tell them you didn't find me," I beg.

"I can't do that," he shakes his head, giving me a sympathetic look.

He takes my arm, gently pulling me alongside him through the woods I was trying to escape out of. The fire rages behind us, leaving everyone left in the building dead without hesitation.

Jacob walks me through the trees, to the house I've lived in my entire life, and up to the front door where he knocks a few times.

The door swings open immediately and Jacob's hand is torn from my arm as my father's firm grip grabs on, jerking me into the house.

"Go to your room," he orders.


"GO!" he screams, his face inches from mine in anger.

Jumping slightly, I quickly make my way up the stairs and into my room, going inside and sitting on my bed, my hands resting in my hands.

Only a moment later, my father appears in my doorway, fuming with rage.

"You tried to run away again," he growls.

"I don't want this life, you know that," I tell him softly.

"It is your life. Get used to it," he says, his tone unshakable.

I gulp, not wanting to make him angrier.

"You are to stay in here until you're told to leave. Meals will be-"

"Delivered to me just as last time. Three meals a day, nothing less nothing more. No company, no phone, nothing of any sort. I sit here with my thoughts and remind myself why I'm lucky to have the life I have," I finish for him. "If I need anything ring the bell and someone will attend to my needs."

Her father sighs. "I don't want to do this, Addison."

"Yeah, I know," I whisper, not believing him.

He sighs again, closing and locking my door at once.

This is my life.

My horrible, unhappy life.



i promise that chapters will get longer, this is more just of an introduction to Addison<3

thank you for reading!

much love!

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