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I'm tired of walking. I didn't bring my phone or a watch. But based on where the moon is, it's almost 2 in the morning. Which means I've been walking for three hours.

I haven't made it to the bus station yet. But I'm near, I know that for sure. Probably another hour and I'll make it.


Feet aching and eyes heavy, I walk into the bus station, walking over to the window where someone was surprisingly sitting.

"Hi, I need to buy a bus ticket," I tell her, licking my dry lips. I had finished both my waters two hours ago.

"Where to?" she asks.

"Umm, wherever the bus that leaves soonest takes me," I tell her, not caring exactly where I go.

"We have a bus leaving for Eureka, California," she informs me.

I nod. "Okay, when does that depart?"

She types a bit more. "The bus leaves at 5 am. Does that work for you?" she asks.

I nod. "Yeah, yeah that's fine. How much?" 

"One-way economy?" she asks.

"Yes, ma'am," I nod.

"That'll be $219," she says.

I nod, grabbing the money out of my bag and handing it to her.

She counts it carefully and hands me a dollar.

"Thank you," I say. "Is there an umm like a shop around where I can get water and snacks or something?" 

She nods. "Yeah, honey. Just go right down this hallway and take a left. It's right there," she says, grinning.

"Thank you," I tell her, following her directions and making it to the small shop.

I grab a few snacks and drinks to last me the first part of the trip, knowing I can grab more when I switch buses like I know I'll have to.

After checking out, I head to the waiting area and stuff the snacks in my bag the best I can, putting two bottles of water in the side pockets of my bag, drinking the third and keeping the fourth nearby to carry onto the bus with me.


Traveling two and a half days on a bus with a bunch of randoms isn't the greatest way to travel from one side of the US to another, but it's the way I made it.

I watch out the window as the bus pulls up and opens its doors for us passengers to get off.

I wait, allowing the others to get off before I do. Once I do, however, I'm hit with the surprisingly chilly air. It's June, so I expected more heat. I guess I forgot the whole "dry heat" factor.

Stopping on the sidewalk, I pull a jacket out of my bag and slip it on, zipping my bag back up and swinging it onto my back.

"Hi, excuse me, where can I find a decently priced hotel around here?" I ask, stopping a worker nearby.

"I'm not sure about a hotel," she tells me honestly. "However, if you walk that way about two blocks and then take a left and walk for another two, there's a pretty decent priced bed and breakfast."

"Thank you," I say softly, walking away from the bus station and in the direction she had told me.

Soon, I find the place she was talking about, grinning at how cute it is.

I walk inside, hearing a small 'ding' of the bell as I do.

"Hi honey!" a woman says, grinning as she comes into the room.

"Hello, how are you?"  I ask, looking over her appearance.

She seems to be in her late forties, still chipper and energetic.

"I'm well, what can I do for you?"

"I'm actually in need of somewhere to stay. I'm not quite sure how long but I can give you enough for a few nights immediately. I plan to get a job and find a place as soon as possible," I tell her.

She glances at me, obviously noticing my bookbag.

Awkwardly, I slide the bag up on my arm a bit more, biting my lip.

"I'll tell you what," she says. "Pay me for two nights. We'll start there and move along as we need to."

"Thank you, I really appreciate it," I tell her. "Is cash okay?"

She nods. "Absolutely! That's gonna be $250 for two nights."

I nod, knowing she lowered the price just by the look on her face.

Nevertheless, I appreciate the gesture, giving her the money she asked for.

"Great," she grins. "First name?"

"Addison," I tell her.

She nods, writing it down. "Alright then, I'll show you to your room."

I nod, following her to a cozy, simply decorated room.

"Here you are," she tells me. "If you need anything, feel free to ask. My name is Christine."

"Thank you, again, Christine," I grin.

"You're welcome," she smiles, leaving me to the room I was given.

Going into the room, I set my bag down, deciding to shower and go around to a few places in town. I need to get a job as soon as possible.


By the time I entered the diner, I had only been able to put in three applications. Anywhere else would only allow online applications and of course, I have no way to put those in.

I sigh, starting to lose hope as I approach the hostess.

"Hi! Can I get you a table?" she asks.

"Hi," I grin slightly. "I was actually hoping you guys would be hiring. I'm new to town and this is kind of my last option."

"Let me go get my boss for you," she smiles, walking away and soon returning with an older woman, around late fifties.

"Hello!" she says.

"Hi, how are you?" I ask, grinning.

"I'm well, darling, how are you?"

"I'm okay," I smile.

"What can I do for you?" she asks.

"Well, I just moved to town and I'm desperately looking for a job. I can work any hours, it really doesn't matter. I have full availability."

The woman nods. "Ever been a waitress before?"

"No ma'am, but I'm willing to train and work hard at it until I get it right," I tell her.

She nods, grinning. "I'll tell you what. Come in tomorrow morning at 10. We'll talk a little more in-depth and give you a proper interview. How's that sound?"

"That sounds like the best news I've heard all day," I tell her honestly, laughing lightly.

She grins, nodding. "Okay, sweetie. Then I will see you tomorrow morning!"

"Okay, thank you so much," I tell her before turning to the hostess. "I actually think I will take a table. I need dinner and I'm already here."

She grins, nodding and taking me over to a table.

I place my order, a simple dinner. Chicken tenders and fries. Call me a child.

After eating, I give a small tip, not wanting to go crazy with the small amount of money I have. Who knows how long I'll have to live in a bed and breakfast. I don't need to risk being homeless.

Making my way back, I enter my room, changing into the one pair of sweats I brought and a comfortable shirt before pulling back the blankets and laying in the bed, falling asleep soon after.


i promised a longer chapter<3

much love!

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