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I did love my dad, not that I didn't, but its just that he was a little controlling on what I do.

He didn't let me do what I wanted most of the time.
I was more on the humble side and didn't like people judging me by my inheritance, but I had to deal with.
I had to find ways to avoid it.
Although almost everyone I knew, knew about this issue of mine, I still liked to hide it a bit.

"Thanks dad" I snuggled up to him.

"No worries y/n/n." He smiled warmly.
We stayed like that while, cozy and reminiscing on all the fun times we've had together. I could tell his fatherly nature was shining through his tough business-man side.

But soon enough a sudden buzz came from his pocket.
"Sorry y/n/n, I really have to take this. Mr. JinYoung is on the verge of a very important deal and he needs my help convincing the dealer. "

I sighed a bit disappointed.
"Ok, go. Now I'll just go live my boring life"

His face had already tightened up, he seemed to be changing back again, but he replied sweetly
"Aww don't be like that, you know I love you, its just this is how it is."

"I know, I know"

"Good then I will leave then, see you at dinner, y/n"

I answered with a dull 'ok'.
Leaving my cubby hidden in the inhouse library.

Picking up my phone I realized I should probably call Amber and tell her about the whole reunion idea.

While dialing her number my thoughts dwelled on how I would tell my dad about this.
It started to ring, as I drifted into my head again, worrying about the plan.

"Y/N/N!Hello Earth to y/n/n!!" Amber yelled through the phone speaker.

"Oh right, yes I'm here" I giggled apologetically

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"Oh right, yes I'm here" I giggled apologetically.

"Anyway, why'd you call?" She paused for a second whispering something.
"I'm in the middle of something, I only picked up because it was you"

"Yea I know, I'm a VIP"

"Ugh I can practically hear your smirk"

"Ok moving on, I was thinking..." I dragged my sentences, taking more time to muster a better reason, but none would come to mind.


"Thinking that we should..."

"We should...?" I could tell she was growing quite impatient, not that she was very patient in the first place.

"Have a high school reunion..." I spilled cautiously unknowing of how she'll react, especially when she finds out why I need to do this.

"Y/n/n that's such a great idea! Why didn't you mention it earlier!"

"I know I'm so annoying and that you- wait what really? But I thought since we already had it a few years ago it would kinda weird and you know..."

"Well I mean, yes, but it'll still be fun seeing all of our little gang again and catching up with each other."
"On the other hand, why the sudden idea huh? Your not one to randomly come up with plans. Seems kinda sketchy to me."
"Am I really talking to the real y/n?" She joked.

"Yes you are Amber. It was just- my mom and obviously my dad too. When I said I was going to the mall with Johnny, mom suspected we were dating and so I had to lie to her and say that he was helping me pick out a dress for the reunion"
"Without this excuse she wouldn't let me out of the house that day, and definitely would not have covered for me, especially since I am still grounded for another 2 days"

"Oh of course, why didn't you just say so? If its that much of a burden for you let's just make it happen and make it seem like we had already planned and started everything."
I nodded in agreement knowing she couldn't see, it was bit of a habit.

"Also aren't you and Johnny dating yet?"

"What no I- Amber its only been 2 days since I've met him"

"I know, I know" she said trying not to sound guilty. "But all I'm saying is that I can see the way you guys look at each other, the sparks that fly in between, it's cute you know. I haven't seen you this excited in a while now"
I smiled at the thought of just remembering this, it made my heart flutter and fly into the sky.

"We're not dating ok?" I tried to justify my point,but failed miserably.
I could hear Amber's reponse, 'yet' she whispered under her breath just enough for my ears to pick it up.

"So thats all you needed to say right, cause if it is I have something to get back to."

"Are you at Eric's house?"

"How'd you know!" I grinned, it was fun teasing Amber especially when she took twice the enjoyment when she did it to me.

Eric greeted me with his sweet voice
"Hey y/n/n, what's up?"

Eric greeted me with his sweet voice"Hey y/n/n, what's up?"

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"Oh nothing much, but could you do a huge favor for me?"

"Uhh sure. What is it?" he always one for helping out whenever he could.

"Could you send out invitations to our classmates and peers, me and Amber are planning a special reunion, later this month"

"Oh thats it? Consider it done" he replied happily before handing the phone back to Amber and dashing away.

"Well, I'll be heading off now, I have some urgent business with Eric now"

"Oh really, I wonder what kind."

"The kind where he taught my cousin to swear in front of her parents! That kind."

"Wow ok bye then" I spoke laughing a little. Amber cut the call, leaving me in silence again.

Well I better get to planning, we don't have much time. I thought as I left for my room.

 I thought as I left for my room

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