3, the fight

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Jane's POV
As promised, today, I was determined to make things right with Michael. I was walking towards the police station, that's where he has his office.

When I met Michael for the first time I didn't belive he was a real cop. Yes, he was wearing a police suit but I thought it was some kind of costume. (Who could blame me, I was drunk after all). I pulled out his Gun from his belt in excitement because I thought it was a toy.
"Stop! That's a real gun" he yelled but it was to late because I had already shot a hole in the roof.
That's when I knew for sure he was a real cop.

I walked in to the police station feeling a bit lost. Then I found a door with a name on it 'Michael Cordero'. That must be his office I thought as I carefully knocked on the door.
"Jane?" Michael said surprised when he opened the door
"Hey" I said with an insecure smile. An akward silence appeard and I took a breath.
"I came here to apologize...I obviously wasn't sick and I shouldn't have lied" i said.
He giggled. "It's fine" he replied. "I'm sorry too". My thoughts went to a whole different place as I was looking in his beautiful crystal blue eyes, I almost forgot he was actually standing here. My abuela always says I got my head in the clouds. I'm not sure what she means but I suppose it's true. He cleared his voice and I came back to reality.

"So, would you like to go on a date with me" I said
"No lies this time?" He asked but in a jokingly way
"No lies" I reassured him with a smile. "And since we're being honest I just wanna let you know I'm gonna continue exploring my relationship with Sam as well."
His smile disappeared and his face moved down.
"What?" he said without the charming spark in his eyes. As if he didn't believe me.
I nodded to reassure him.
"No" he laughed without any humor. I could see on his face that he was mad. Damn it.
"I felt something when we kissed and I know that you felt it too" he said and then he paused for a second.
"I'm not gonna sit around and wait for you to explore things with that suck-up asshole Sam"

I almost gasped. Did he really just say that?
"He's not a suck-up! He's intelligent, but I guess you can't handle that" I snapped.
He might have been right. Sam sort of is a 'know-it-all'. But I wasn't gonna let Micheal talk down on him. He was right about something else too. I did feel something when we kissed. As I remember it, it was magic.
But maybe I was too drunk. Maybe it wasn't as magic as I remembered. Maybe Micheal isn't who I thought he was.

"We had something Jane" he said and the butterflies in my stomach fluttered when he said my name.
"The only reason you're into Sam is because you've been obsessed with him for 18 months. You know he's not the one so you use me as a second choice, huh?"
How did he know about my long unrequited crush on Sam?? I never told him that. Or maybe I did, at the party. That night was kind of a blur. Gosh I'm so stupid.
"I'm not gonna be your safe-choice, Jane. So go away and live your telenovela-happily ever after with Mr Perfect" he yelled at me. I guess I had told him about my telenovela obsession as well.

I started walking towards my car. I was so done with Micheal, even angry at him.
"Son of a bitch" I muttered quietly but loud enough for him to hear.
"Jerk" he replied with no emotion in his voice.

I got in my car to drive home. I could feel a clump growing in my throat. I wasn't used to start fighting with people. But after all I am stubborn, so sometimes I have to give in. I got that after my mother.

I don't think Micheal is ever going to talk to me again, which is probably for the best. He is a jerk. And he totally overreacted.

But then I think about how he brought me that stupid delicious soup.
And the way he looked at me the night where we first met.

Stupid soup. Stupid Micheal. Stupid absolutely wonderful kiss. Stupid blue eyes.

Oh those beautiful eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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