2, the chaotic day after

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Jane's POV
The next day
I had told my mom all about Micheal and the kiss. She was almost as excited about it as I was. All morning I was waiting for him to call. We had made plans to meet today. But then all of a sudden somebody else called. Sam.
"Oh my god ma, it's Sam!" i said surprisingly
"The guy from collage that you had a crush on for two years?" my mom said
"17 months, but who's counting" I replied
Then I took a deep breath and answered the phone.  Sam was calling to ask me out on a date! Oh my god, I couldn't belive it.
"But what about your plans with Michael?" My mom insisted after I hung up the phone.
I was so caught up in the moment I had forgot about Michael for a minute. Mom calmly suggested I should lie to Michael and tell him I'm sick. I'm not a person who lies often but I've been crushing for Sam for 17 months and he finally asked me out, I couldn't waste that opportunity, right?
My abuela entered the room and I realized she had heard our whole conversation. She tried to teach me a lesson about how lying is always wrong and that god knows everything.
"Are you gonna take dating advice from me or from Abuela?" My mom laughed ironically
I love my grandma but I wanted to handle this on my own, which I later realized would be a mistake. 

I dressed up in the cute lightblue dress that my best friend Lina gave me for my birthday yesterday. Then Sam picked me up in his totally awesome car and I was just about to get in when I saw a familiar face. Crap. It's Michael. I cancelled our plans so what the heck was he doing here? When he saw me his smile immediately went away.
"Michael? What are you doing here, are you stalking me or something?" I said in an angry tone but the truth was that I was really embarrassed.
He inspected me from my head to my toes.
"You said you were sick so I was gonna bring you this soup" he said and I saw the disappointment in his face.
"family recipe" he muttered quietly. He handed me the soup in a green plastic jar.
"Enjoy your date" he said mockingly and walked away angry.

Later that day, after Jane & Sams date
I was sitting in the kitchen and eating the soup Michael had given me. Ugh.
"So you're gonna apologize to him?" My mom asked
"I have to" I sighed deeply "I really screwed up ma. Why did you tell me to lie?"
"Oh don't blame this on me Janie, it was your decision" She laughed
"I know... maybe it's because my date with Sam totally failed or because this stupid soup is so good, but I think I really like him!"
"Or because you had a magical kiss" my mom said. Which was true. Me and Michael did have something and I needed to find out what it was so I pulled myself together and decided to apologize to him face to face.

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