Lie to Me

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A/N: smut warning

"Can I borrow your shower?"

Eijirou would usually make some irritating dad joke in response to a question like that---something like sure, just have her back by ten---but he was at a loss for words. He stands stagnant at the threshold of his door, hands gripping tight at the knob as he takes a moment to give his friend a once over.

That's a lot of blood.

He quickly grabs Izuku by the arm and yanks him inside, quickly shutting the door before his nosy ass neighbors get a chance to see.

"Christ in heaven, Izuku, what did you do?!"

"Calm down, the blood isn't mine."

"How is that supposed to make me calm down?! Oh God, did you kill someone? Where's the fucking body; we need to take all the teeth out and---"

"Eiji." Izuku grabs him firmly by the shoulders and cringes a bit when he realizes that he's unintentionally stained his friend's designer shirt in some scumbag's blood. "Relax. I didn't kill anyone. Don't get me wrong, I should have, but he'll be fine." He assures the redhead and purposely leaves the he may also have a concussion on the tip of his tongue until he can swallow it. He watches the tension ebb away from his body and melt into exasperation.

Eijirou wipes a hand over his face in frustration.

"Alright. So who's ass did you kick this time? And I'm assuming that it was over Katsuki again?" He asks, leaving Izuku in the foyer to make his way to the kitchen and grab himself a beer. Izuku follows suit and catches the can thrown at him with ease, cracking it open as he plops down into a chair.

"Bingo. And it wasn't his twat of an ex-boyfriend this time. Katsuki...he finally told me about the whole thing with his parents and---"

"Please tell me that the blood on your shirt does not belong to  our bosses."

Izuku bristles. "Nah. But it should cause honestly, fuck the lot of them. I really shouldn't be  telling you any of this cause it's not my place but if I don't vent to someone I'm going to flip my absolute shit here so as my best friend I'm gonna trust you to keep a secret."

Eijirou takes a moment to consider that, taking a healthy swig from his beer.

"Alright. Lay it on me."

"To make a long story short, Katsuki's parents sold his body in exchange for a merger deal." He says curtly, knocking the rest of the beer with a few short gulps. He shrewdly ignores the sound of Eijirou choking on his own.

"Are you telling me they---"

"Had him raped? Yep. There was an entire incident report on it and they all lied about it, you know. Shouto was the one who found it and drove him to the hospital and even though he sustained substantial injuries, they threw the case out and he walked. Bout four years ago. Luca Stefano ring a bell?"

Eijirou's facial expression is indescribable, but the disgust swirling within him is very apparent.

"I...I handled the paperwork for that merger."

"Well, that's how we got it."

"And that's his?"

"Yeah. Found out where he lived and I asked him flat out. You know, to be sure. Fucker had the nerve to be proud, can you believe that? I blacked out and cracked his fuckin' skull. And honestly I've got the urge to go back and do it again."

Eijirou sighs, turning to pour the rest of his beer down the drain as he loses a taste for it. His stomach I'd turning and as much as he wants to believe that it's a lie he knows Izuku wouldn't. Not to say that Katsuki would but Eijirou can't exactly vouch for his character the way he can vouch for Izuku's.

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