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It's been a little over a month since Bre came out of the hospital. She's been doing better each day and her kids take her mind off of the fact that she couldn't have anymore.

King had also been doing good. He's just been watching over Bre more lately. He's also been checking on his triplets too.

The triplets are four soon five months now. Kadeem is growing and eating a lot. He's two months now.

The other kids are still the same ole same ole. Going to school, getting straight A's, good sometimes bad behavior. There just them.

"Mommy Breah keeps biting me." Karay pouted walking into my room. "Go get her here for me please."

He ran out the room and pulled Breah in since she wasn't gonna go. "Breah Nyzaiah!" Bre yelled as she poked her bottom lip out.

"Breah that ain't gone help come here." Bre said as Breah walked to her slowly. "You better pick up your pace for I snatch your lil ass up." She quickly walked to her.

"What did I tell you about biting?" Bre asked. King walked into the room and Breah busted out crying. "Aww stop all that crying cupcake come here." King said stooping down to her.

"King stop babying her, she ain't supposed to be biting people." Bre said. "Aw hell nah Ny what did daddy tell you about that?"

"Dad...dy say no bite." She said with her hand in her mouth. "So why are you biting people?" He asked her and she just shrugged.

"Ny no more biting okay?" He said as she nodded. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he hugged her back.

"Now be good and go play." He said as she ran off. "Why you gotta baby her like that? She needs to know not to bite. Bet she gone have to come back in here soon." Bre said.

"Eh she's two, furthermore I can't scream on any of my kids." He shrugged. "Well you better learn cause that ain't gone work."

They heard Kadeem's cried through the baby monitor. Bre started to get up. "No baby I got this." He said walking out.

He came back in rocking Kadeem as he looked around. "This lil nigga nosey as hell." King said jokingly. Bre laughed. "Leave my baby alone."

"Yoooo what the fuckkk! I can't take this anymore bro. Why did I do this shit to myself." Jasmine said to herself.

As soon as one baby was asleep another one got up, as soon as one ate another wanted to eat. They were stressing her out.

She just did all this so she could get with King but it didn't work. He would visit them every other day and get or pay for things they need.

He would also try to bond with them and she would try to push up on him. But he wasn't having that.

She picked up Jmai and started feeding him his bottle. Then Jordan started whining. "Yoo shut the fuck up little boy."

While feeding Jmai she called up King. He answered on the second ring. "Yo." He said. "Boy don't answer me like that, but come get your annoying ass kids I swear am tired of them."

"Woah woah hold up why would you say things like that?" He asked. "I'm fucking tired King I'm tired they so fucking annoying come get them before I put these fuckers on the front step of this apartment."

"Jasmine calm the fuck down and stop talking about my kids like that. And remember you wanted them kids cause you basically took advantage of me, now if I was supposed to be a bad person I would've told you fuck you and them but no I still stepped up so you gone take care of them kids! Keep the same fucking energy you had when you was advantaging me. I come to see my kids all the time and I take care of them what more do you fucking want?"

"King you not gone talk to me like that, you know I didn't expect to get pregnant, you know it." She said and he just hung up tired of hearing her.

"Yo fuck him and Jordan shut the fuck up fore I toss you." She said calling Taylor. "Hey girl, how you and em kids?" She answered.

"They are stress but am alright." Jasmine said. "So you gone still let King think the kids are his?" She asked.

"Well duhh, if I tell him now that's it for me cause he gone just stop talking to me and block me."

"But Jasmine you gone make them kids get attached to him and call him they daddy and shit and he gone get attached to them."

"Umm fuck him ion care." Jasmine said. "But then you gone hurt the boys in the process. I didn't tell you to keep this going for this long." Taylor said. "Well hear this I ain't gone ever tell him they ain't his, cause also I don't know what amma do cause they real dad signed a deal with me."

"Bitch are you dumb? What was it anyway though?" She asked. "Um yes and it's that I just get the sperm from him and he doesn't have any responsibilities whatsoever after so if something goes wrong I'm in this alone."

"Wow I can tell you're really a drop out." Taylor threw in her face. "Wow Taylor just wow I thought you was a real ass one."

"I mean—" Jasmine hung up in her face.

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