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Same day.

"Karin, get yo ass up." King thumped her, knowing she don't like to be thumped. It took him a few more minutes to get her up and she thumped him back.

"It's going on six thirty go get ready we gone be late because of you." He said. "Nah that's gone be on you cause you promised to take it easy."

"Nah I couldn't cause your attitude and behavior be on a hundred had to get things straight." He said as she rolled her eyes.

She went into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and started on her makeup. By the time she was done it was 7:46pm.

Bre then started her hair. She did a side part and a sleeked ponytail and let it hang down her left shoulder. It was now 8:18pm.

She hopped in the shower and did a quick 15 minutes shower. She then threw on a plain black dress that hugged her curves and put on her gold mk watch.

She took up her new gold strap up heels, her red, gold and black purse, her phone, and keys and ran downstairs to King. Of course he was cursing her out but she didn't care.

"King come put on my shoes." Bre whined. "Sit yo ass down." He said pointing to the couch he was next to. She laughed and sat down while he strapped up her heels.

He got up and looked her up and down before licking his lips. "Like what you see?" She smirked. "C'mon yo sexy ass gone make us late." He said rushing out the house.

He opened her door for her and Damn near threw her ass in she was moving in her own pace when it wasn't the time. He hopped in quickly then sped off to the restaurant.

When they got there it was 8:46pm they got out quickly and went to the front desk. "Reservation for two please." King said.

"Name?" She asked eye fucking him. "King Miller." He said. "Oh you're quite late, but come this way." She said, still looking at him.

"Yeah my wife's fault." He chuckled putting emphasis on wife. Bre laughed while the girl gave her a death glare.

They sat at a table and waited on the waitress. She came out and took there drink orders. "They'll be ready in a few, would you like to place your orders now?" She asked.

"Yeah I would like a chicken pasta with bacon, some buffalo wings, medium rare steak with a side of mashed potatoes and some curly French fries please." Bre said as King looked at her with wide eyes.

"You gone even eat all that, and that's some weird shit there." He said smirking thinking she was pregnant but it's actually too early to know. Bre just laughed at his face.

"And for you?" She asked. "Um a chicken quesadilla with fries and a medium rare steak with jasmine rice and gravy." He said as she wrote.

"So for you, a chicken pasta with bacon, some buffalo wings, medium rare steak with a side of mashed potatoes and some curly French fries and for you sir, a chicken quesadilla with a side of fries and a medium rare steak with a side of jasmine rice and gravy?" She asked as they nodded.

"Okay your drinks will be ready and out in a minute and the food will take a little while." She said walking away.

"Babe what's wrong? Why you eating so reckless? What about that weight?" King asked. "Nothing I just feel extra hungry right about now." Bre shrugged.

"So think we should pass by the kids tonight?" King asked. "We could but I bet they'll be asleep cause it'll probably be after ten by then and they have school tomorrow so their bedtime is around eight." Bre said.

"Oh well we could still slide by and see if your mom wants anything?" He asked. "Yeah good idea I'll call her right now and see." Bre pulled out her phone.

She dialed her mom's number and put the phone to her ear. She answered on the fourth ring. "Hey mom."

"Hey my baby what's up?" She asked. "I'm checking up on y'all need anything?" She asked. "Oh nah the kids are sleep well except Breah." She said. "Oh okay I'll stop by after this dinner date you want something?" Bre asked.

"Uhh you could get me some good ass food, something I'll eat." She said. "Alright kiss Breah for me and Goodnight." Bre said as they exchanged a few more worlds and hung up.

"Yeah I'll get her something." Bre said as king nodded. "She said everyone's asleep except Breah, bad ass." Bre said as King laughed.

"She's always asleep when I have her." King said. "Yeah cause she don't like you." Bre laughed.

Their drinks came out and they just sat down and talked about any and everything. "Remember what I always tell you, no matter how bad you messed up still tell me you'll never know." Bre said.

He just shook his head, he wanted to tell her about Jasmine so bad but he decided to hold it back.

After about half an hour their food came and they ordered something for Bre's Mom. Bre sat down picking at everything. King was just looking at her feeling disappointed in himself.

It was now around 10:39pm and they were done and Bre's mom's food came out. King paid the bill and they were out.

A/N am tired of saying Bre's Mom's so her name is Erin. I'll say that.

They were just pulling up to Erin's house. They got out and went to the doorstep ringing the bell. Erin opened the door in a couple seconds and hugged them.

They went in and she closed the door behind them. Bre gave her the food and she thanked them. "Oh Kadane was just up a few minutes ago." She said.

"Does he keep you up at night?" Bre asked. "Nope, he actually wakes up times I wake up so he's good." She said.

"Why do you even wake up at night?" Bre laughed. "Because I check around my house all the time or sometimes I be hungry." She said as they laughed.

"I get up at around 12 then around 4 and then 6 or 7 then when I get the kids to school and Kadane and Breah asleep I get my ass to sleep too." She said making them laugh.

"Oh you're good, I can't loose so much sleep just to check around." Bre said. "King does that sometimes, he even stares me down while I sleep and yes King I be wanting to punch your eyes out." She laughed.

"Just being safe, I check all the kids room and check by all the doors and window downstairs and stuff." He said.

"See safety." Erin said. "Anyway it's getting late I gotta get some sleep, bye momma I love you." Bre hugged her. Then they left.

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