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"Breah Nyzaiah get here now!" Bre called her daughter. "Go to mama." K-Dot tickled her as she laughed out loud. "Babe stopp." Bre whined. "I'm tryna get her hair done." She said as he brought her Breah.

"Go get Karay when am done so he could get his hair braided." Bre said. "All my kids got great hair." K-Dot said. "Yeah thanks to me." Bre laughed.

"Breah and Kadane got the nicest texture though." Bre said. She finished braiding Breah's hair in two while King placed Karay in front of her.

"Give him his iPad and stop messing with my son King." Bre said as he laughed. She snatched Karay's iPad and gave it to him so he could keep still.

She braided his hair back in two just like Breah's. The twins had their hair in a ponytail so they were good. "Ou mama do my hair like that please." Breanna said busting out of nowhere.

"Come sit." Bre said as she took out her scrunchy and combed through her long hair. She parted it in the middle and braided them in two.

"Y'all together is a lot a stress I feel like taking a vacation." Bre said sighing. "Yeah let's go cause I gotta go back to work soon I just feel like they gone destroy my shit." He said referring to his car shop, gym and night club.

"Yeah after we get back I'll check on my shops." Bre said referring to her clothing stores. She got one in L.A and one here in Chicago. She's working on opening a next one in Miami.

"So I'll call my momma even I know she ain't gone mind I'll ask her to keep the kids and we leave for like a week." Bre cheesed.

"Yeah let's go to Jamaica I'll book the tickets now." King said. "But we wanna come too." Breanna pouted. "Yeah next time cupcake, mama and dada need a vacation." Bre said.

Bre went and got her phone and called up her mom. "Hey momma, how you been doing?" Bre asked. "I've been good, finally arrived back from France." She said.

"How was it?" "It was great I learned a couple of things." She cheesed. "Oh okay I was planning on going to Jamaica for a vacation also just King and I~"

"Yes yes bring me my babies I missed them." She said just interrupting me. "Okay mom I'll bring them next week." I laughed.

"Nah tomorrow is Sunday bring them tomorrow so they stay with me for two weeks I missed them so much." She said.

"Okay momma I'll get their things for school and stuff ready for the to head over." I said.

"Okay I can't wait, I love you always." She said. "I love you too mommy." Bre hung up.

"So mama wants me to bring them tomorrow so they stay with her for two weeks she said she missed them so much." Bre said.

"See why I love her, look we got time to ourselves. Might probably put baby number six in you while they out." He smirked.

"No more kids King." Bre said. "We have enough." He just shook his head. He knew he was gonna get her pregnant some how. Either this or next week.

Bre walked upstairs and started packing the kids back for a few days. She would have to drop off some more clothes in the week.

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