Bonus: Bigger Than Ever

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Bree could scarcely contain her excitement as the drop of serum dangled over her, only a tiny bit away from touching her head. This was the deciding moment, this one drop could change their entire lives if it worked; if it didn't then the rest of today (and this story) would be incredibly boring given the potential of this one drop.

At last, the drop broke free from the dropper and landed on Bree's waiting head. It soaked her completely, as if she'd just been hit with a gigantic water balloon. After opening her eyes, she did as the Doctor suggested and tried rubbing the liquid into her skin. When she was finished she stood back up and looked at Samantha while trying to look as tall as she could. The giant girl, who had been watching closely finally gave a bored and disappointed look.

"I don't think it worked, Bree.." Samantha said with a bit of disappointment.

"What?" Bree said, obviously devastated. She fell to her knees and looked down at her hands, "damn it..."

Just then, Bree saw her hands give a faint greenish glow, her body felt hot and she began to feel a little sick in the stomach. Bree gave an urk sound before falling over to her side. The glow continued as Samantha looked closely, very worried and unsure of what to do. It looked like Bree was dying of poison, but poison didn't make you glow. When Bree got up only a moment later, Samantha noticed something different about her.

"Bree? Are you okay?" She asked concerned, adding hesitantly, "did it work?"

Bree looked herself over but didn't feel any different. The sensations and glowing and stopped completely. She reached down and picked up her shirt before answering but stopped when she noticed something odd; her shirt felt smaller in her hands. She held it up against herself as Samantha watched closely, it was a few sizes smaller now, almost kid's size. Bree's face lit up almost immediately. She grew at least half of her original height. This was amazing for Bree, but Samantha could barely tell at all, it was probably a relative thing or because they only used one tiny drop.

"Sam it worked!!! Give me some more!!!" Bree screamed in excitement.

Samantha didn't answer, not because she couldn't hear, but because she was looking at the bottle of green liquid herself. It looked the same as it had earlier, but now a slick smile spread across Samantha's face as she grabbed to herself.

"Uh... Sam? What are you—" is all what Bree could say before Samantha quickly tilted her head back and began drinking the formula. Bree watched, almost in horror as Samantha kept drinking, but felt a little better one she'd stopped. Samantha only drank a couple mouths full before she began to glow slightly. Unlike Bree, most of the light was coming from inside Samantha's mouth and her insides, her abdomen giving off a slight greenish light. Then came the burning sensation; Samantha's upper body almost fell forward onto her night stand and onto Bree. The feeling only lasted a few minutes before slowly fading away like Bree's did, only now, something stranger was happening.

Samantha moaned as another sensation came over her body, she felt it flow through her entire body. Her clothes began feeling tighter and more restricting until her body was pressed tight in them. For a moment she couldn't breathe until her shirt and pants tore at the seams, coming clean off and leaving her only in her red bra and panties that grew along with her (because reasons ya pervs :p). Samantha stood surprised against the nearest wall as her room kept getting smaller and smaller. It was only a matter of seconds until her head bumped against her ceiling, forcing her onto her ass with her legs stretched out. A moment later her bare feet were pressed against the opposite wall, they were almost half the size of her door. She kept growing like this until the room couldn't hold her anymore, the ceiling snapped and broke, leaving a massive hole that was soon filled with Samantha's upper body as her head kept rising higher into the sky. Samantha got up to her feet after some more of the roof broke away and was now about to step over onto the street as she kept growing. At the moment she was somewhere around 70 feet tall but not showing any signs of stopping soon. After composing herself, she got a look around of her new surroundings. The houses she'd pass every day and even lived in were now the size of large doll houses, and getting smaller by the second. After getting past her initial surprise, Samantha began to enjoy herself, a large smile quickly grew across her face. She couldn't help but begin to laugh as houses soon came below her shin she soon past even her ankles. Neighbors were screaming in terror, but they were all drowned out by Samantha's laughter. She soon stopped her laughing and gave a satisfied moan as she stopped growing. On the ground her feet had grown massive, pushing past houses as they grew with her body and now spread past nearly three whole blocks. This gave her a sense of Deja Vu, because the "Giant" houses she'd once lived in, were now the same size to her as the ones in the Nano town she stayed in during her exchange program. If anything they were even smaller. All around her people screamed in terror. Never had they even given an idle thought about there being any person bigger than them, they'd all grown comfortable being the taller race of humans. Too comfortable. Around her, Samantha could see tiny people running in terror, driving away in their cars, or younger people trying to bolt on their bikes.

"Hehe," the new Giantess chuckled, "ants~". And that's exactly what they looked like to her. That is what every living thing would seem to her from this day on. Nothing but fleeing insects as this girl had her fun.

Speaking of fun, shimmers of light came to her eyes from glass off of skyscrapers in the distance. This got her attention. She smiled widely as she thought this would be a good time to go have a little fun with her newfound advantage.

As she walked towards the city, she carelessly stepped on and demolished house after house, block by block under her magnificent beautifully soft soles. Leaving only her own house behind her as she stepped. It was luckily spared between her feet as she had grown.

Samantha thought to herself as she walked, 'this'll be just like the good old days~".

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