The Crushing Climb

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Samantha stood up and looked around at her feet, there were still plenty of nanos to play with, she estimated around a hundred were still alive. She also accounted for Bree in her bra, who's squirming slowed down since the warm ups, and the girls she tossed into her sock. Feeling them squirm gave her a wonderful idea.

"I think," she said to the rest of the class, "today we'll be doing some climbing~ sound fun?"

She stepped over everyone to the front of the class, her sneaker landing only an inch or so away from the terrified gym teacher. He ran away, scurrying like a scared little bug against the wall, after all, what could he do? He could only stand and watch as his students were tormented by the giantess exchange student, and hope that he wouldn't be her next toy.

Samantha sat down, her large ass falling to the floor sending another thudding shockwave through the floor. She reached down and untied her shoelaces before taking off her shoes, keeping them together as she slid them against the wall; trapping the teacher between the heels. Samantha smiled as she stretched her legs out, her heels getting dangerously close to the front row. Some panicked and began crawling as fast as they could in the other direction until her feet came to a stop just a few inches away. For a minute all the students just stopped and stared at Samantha's massive socked feet, both seeming like their own fuzzy massive skyscrapers. For gym she switched into a pair of clean white ankle socks, she thought they looked cute, but to the others there was nothing more terrifying in that moment.

"Well?" Samantha said in a teasing tone, wiggling her toes slightly, "you guys better start climbing fast~. Whoever doesn't reach the top is gonna going under them."

This got their attention. Over half the class sped to their feet, most running to get to Samantha as fast as they could and practically jumping onto her heel, grabbing tight to her sock. Others were still laying on the floor, their eyes transfixed in terror at the bottoms of her soles; the last thing many students would ever see. The students climbed, the fastest making it to the arch of her foot in a couple of minutes. As one of them climbed they noticed a larger looking lump inside the sock, he decided to ignore it, thinking it just another fold or stretched out part of the sock. Suddenly it let out a terrified scream as he passed, the scream of one of the girls who didn't return from the locker room. It scared him so bad he flung back and lost his grip on the fabric. He tried reaching for it before he fell, but it was too late and he began to free fall. On his way down he knocked into another student, a friend of his, and they were both sent down, falling from higher than seven of their houses stacked on top of each other. They landed on the hard ground with a satisfying crack that made Samantha giggle.

"Hehe, losers~," she said, feeling superior as the two boys weren't moving anymore, all from falling off her foot.

The others let out a scream seeing the horror but kept climbing nonetheless. They knew even worse would happen to them if they stopped. Some even considered the fallers to be the lucky ones in all this, at least they weren't stepped on. Eventually, some students finally made it to Samantha's gigantic socked toes. Just when they thought they'd reach the top and win they felt the world shake and they almost lost their grip. Samantha was giggling again as she wiggled her toes. Another student fell, but luckily she tumbled onto her heel, grabbing it before she hit the ground.

Finally one made it to the top of her toe, he struggled to make it without falling; her big toe like a massive soft boulder. He crawled up the slope on all fours until he thought he was at the top, he started waving one arm around to make sure Samantha could see him while he hunched over exhausted. Before he could raise his head and look, what felt like two giant soft boulders surrounded him, pinching him tight and lifting him off the toe and up into the air. Soon Samantha's gigantic face filled his view. She gave the tiny winner a smile while he dangled over her cleavage.

"Well well~," Samantha said, her voice booming around him, "looks like there's at least one of you that isn't completely pathetic. Guess I gotta let you go then, little winner."

Samantha reached over to her side and dropped the tiny boy next to her ass. He tumbled to the ground from the fall but quickly got up and made a break for it, running as fast as he could to the locker room door.
Meanwhile the other nano students just kept climbing, hoping to make it to the top and be spared as well. Suddenly they found themselves moving again, but not from Samantha moving her toes; now it was her whole leg. Samantha was slowly bending her knees, bring them back and tilting her feet to stand up. The nano students screamed in terror as they were forced to cling to the rising sock.

They held on as tight as they could, not wanting to fall to their deaths as they were tipped, hanging horizontally over the floor. Three students lost their grip and fell, again landing on the floor with a dull thud. This time however, one of them was still alive. The tiny survivor screamed as loud as she could as a massive shadow grew darker over her; but she was drowned out by the dozens of other cries as the sock drew closer to the ground.


Samantha's foot landed with a thud on the cool hard floor. She giggled feeling all the squirming. There must have been eighty or so students under there, enough that Samantha could actually feel them struggle like dozens of ants.
Samantha slowly stood up, and as she put her full weight on her feet she could feel her nano classmates popping and snapping under her heels and the balls of her feet, becoming nothing more than tiny red stains on her soles.

"Hmph, losers~." Samantha said smugly.

At that moment the room was filled with the echo of the school bell, signaling it was time for everyone to get changed.

"Well guys, it's been fun," Samantha said, still feeling a few nano sized squirms under the arches of her feet and between her toes, "but I better get to lunch, I've got a little date~."
She tapped her left breast lightly before feeling something squirm against her nipple. Samantha was satisfied feeling Bree was still alive, maybe this little bug was good enough after all.

She lifted her feet off her classmates as she headed towards the locker room. The majority of the students who weren't turned into specks of blood were flattened and barely moving on the floor, aside from some slight twitching and moaning. The "winner" from the climbing contest was still running for the door, but he was only half way across the floor when he felt the floor shake with Samantha's steps again. He tried turning around to see how close she was, but before he could he was slammed to the ground and immediately crunched under the same massive toe he climbed.

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