Locker Room Doom

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Samantha breezily made her way to the gym, nearly stepping on a few more students who were lucky enough to jump out of the way in time. The gym was easily one of the largest rooms in the school, taking even Samantha a moment to get across the room. As a result, the student and the coach usually stayed in a small corner of the room by the doors that was equipped with a nano basketball hoop; the rest of the room used only for endurance running, and no one could get even halfway to the other side.

As Samantha came in the majority of the class was already waiting. Her footsteps were much louder in here, echoing throughout the room so loudly the students could barely hear themselves think, or their pounding hearts. She stopped walking when she reached her assigned place on the floor for the coach to take roll, which just happened to be in the center of the group. Her shoes taking up four or five whole rows alone.

The coach walked in, terrified to see Samantha again. He'd been one of the unlucky teachers who got to spend a day locked away her her shoes. Somehow he managed to summon the courage to tell them all to go get dressed in their gym clothes before quickly running back towards the wall. Many of the students did the same or went in the opposite direction as Samantha's shoes began moving as she walked towards the locker room.

It'd become a daily routine to avoid her feet for nearly every student in the school. Even if they didn't have the same class as her she wasn't above shipping whichever one she was and taking a stroll through the halls, or even inside the rooms; crushing hundreds on desks and sometimes decorating the bottoms of her shoes in tiny red blotches. After all, who could stop her? They already saw what happened when the last person in power defied her. She became the first stain.

As Samantha walked into the locker room she was very hesitantly followed by a group of nano girls. To save money the school combined both the nano and giant locker rooms, not seeing any problem that could come out of it. While Samantha was stopped at her locker putting in her combination, the scared students tried sneaking past her to their lockers, running as quickly and as quietly as they could so she wouldn't notice them and give them more "personal training" like last time. When they made it a foot or past the giant's shoes they thought they were in the clear, but their hearts stopped and they all let out a short scream as a giant black shadow fell over them and they were all trapped under a massive white tarp.

"Hey girls~" they heard Samantha say as they all struggled to escape, "sorry about that, I'll get that shirt out of your way~."

Samantha bent down and did what she said, picking up the shirt and setting it on the bench along the lockers, carrying the girls with it. They felt themselves being lifted high into the air, supported by nothing but the thin white fabric of their classmate's shirt. They were dropped onto the bench and only one girl tumbled out, a petite little redhead named Bree. She fell out of one of the wrinkles in the fabric and landed on her ass. In a slight daze she looked around, seeing where she was at when she saw the gigantic Samantha right in front of her, and shirtless at that. She'd already gotten her black gym shorts on, but on her upper body she wore nothing more than a white bra holding her massive breasts in place. Any other girl would have run away as fast as they could, but Bree knew that was a one way ticket to getting crushed or trapped in her shoes. Instead, she got on her knees and put her hands together as if she were praying, nearly sweating with fear she took in a deep breath and shouted as loud as she could.


Samantha looked down towards the bench while she was getting ready, seeing a tiny dot of red and hearing her name being squeaked. She bent down closer to the nano, a little confused, this was the first time any of them actually WANTED her attention.

"What do you want?" She said, slightly interested at what the nano had to say. She soon was a little surprised at the answer.


After the initial surprise of Bree's confession, Samantha gave her a big smile.
"Awww, so the little buggy girl has a crush on me~". Samantha extended her hand towards the kneeling nano and squeezed her between her fingers, lifting her up to her face.

"Y-YES!" Bree yelled, barely even squirming in the giant girl's grip, "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! YOU'RE MY WHOLE WORLD! THIS PAST WEEK HAS BEEN THE BEST OF MY LIFE!!"

"Tell you what sweety, you survive this and still feel the same, I'd be happy to be your girlfriend~."

Bree felt like she was walking on air, even though she was literally in the air. She smiled wide, almost brought to tears that she'd been accepted by her love. Her feelings soon faded as she realized...

"Wait... survive what..?"

Bree only got a giggle from Samantha before she opened her mouth wide, extending her massive tongue.


But her cries were ignored and her face slammed against the wet surface. She thought she was going to get eaten like the others, but then felt the tongue slide up, smoothly scraping against her body as she was just licked, still held tight by Samantha's fingers.

"Now~," Bree heard her say, "like a good girlfriend, I'm gonna keep you nice and close to my heart."

Samantha put her free hand down the left cup of her bra, opening it slightly before dropping the tiny redhead in. Samantha had been fortunate enough to grow a big plump pair of breasts, but for Bree they made her feel like she was getting crushed against the bra by a big fleshy bounce house.

Samantha pulled her bra tight against her breast as Bree squirmed around. Suddenly she saw something out of the corner of her eye, she looked back down at her shirt and saw the nano girls under her shirt escaping. Two of them had gotten out from underneath the fabric and were holding up the opening for the other girls.

"Well well~" she said stepping forward, casting a shadow over the girls and making them look up in terror, "you girls ready to exercise?"

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