Homeroom Havoc

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Inside the classroom things were quiet, none of the students were talking to each other but their hearts were beating fast. There were nearly 120 in the class, around the same with every class. Because the schools had to be big, and nano areas around them were so densely populated, each classroom was usually packed full of students. So the students could actually see the teachers there was a camera positioned at the teacher's desk which projected them onto a larger screen above. To help accommodate the new exchange student, a larger desk was brought in and sat near the door on the left side of the room. Suddenly, from outside they could all hear what sounded like pounding, the steady sound of clacking shoes. Some of the students started freaking out, mumbling "oh god she's coming oh god she's coming" under their breaths. The steps stopped outside the giant door, a moment later they all heard a sound that chilled them to the bone: the doorknob turning and the creak of the opening door. A gigantic girl stepped in, smiling as she looked around at the terrified faces looking up at her.
"Good morning everyone~"

Samantha said, bending her legs back and taking off her shoes. When she got them off the placed them near the door she came in, in front of the smaller door used by nanos, making escape impossible. When she was done there she started walking towards her desk, her socked feet shaking the desks of terrified students as she passed. Before she sat down she frowned slightly and looked towards the head of the class.

"You know... I think I'll sit more in the center of class today~."

Not a second later the screeching of her desk as she pushed it forward flooded the room. As she went the legs of the desk pushed some of the nano ones out of the way, many of the students tried run but ended up getting shoved by the legs or barely missing them. As Samantha walked she could feel the crunch of the tiny desks under her socks, snapping them all like tiny sticks as students screamed and ran. A handful of them, however, couldn't escape in time as a giant black shadow fell over them, right before getting smothered in Samantha's black socks. Many of them lay face down on the ground after getting stepped on, still alive but feeling like they had a house dropped on them, though there always was an unlocked three or four who found themselves stuck to the fuzz of their classmate's sock. When Samantha finally reached a spot she liked she stopped moving her desk and looked back at the path she took. She could barely even see all the desks she crushed, the ones that were spared she saw what looked like little bugs hesitantly returning to. She sat down in her desk, satisfied at the havoc she's wrecked not even five minutes into class. She set one leg on top of the other and took off both of her socks, not even paying attention to the small frames she could barely see trying to escape them before tossing them to the other side of the room, landing on another group of people like a thick black tarp. It was now their job to escape before Samantha came back for them at the end of the day, or else they'd be stuck with her for who knows how long.

As Samantha turned to the front she looked under her desk and saw some students who didn't try to run, thinking it safer to stay where they were. She smiled as they looked up terrified from their desks, unsure if they should run and draw attention to themselves. Samantha raised her feet over them, still smiling. The students screamed seeing the bottom of her sole above them, filling the sky with flesh that could come down at any moment.

"Don't move." She commanded the Nanos under her. They screamed even louder seeing the feet come closer, a girl near the center even trying to make a break for it. But she was too small and the sole was coming down too fast, she was one of the first Nanos to be smothered under Samantha's goddess-like feet. Samantha could barely even feel the squirming of the seven or so Nanos she trapped under her soles, but there had to be seven or eight of them at least, all squirming and screaming, begging to be let out.

So pathetic, she thought smugly, putting extra pressure on the tiny girl who tried to run, don't they know who's in charge here? They're lucky if I don't crush them. But who wouldn't want to get crushed under me?

Samantha looked back towards the head of the class, enjoying the feeling under her feet as her captives kept struggling. After the whole show seemed to be over, the teacher, though almost paralyzed with fear, began the lesson. But nearly every eye was fixed on Samantha, how she was smiling and playing with her hair as she listened, seeming so careless as she casually tortured some of their classmates, it made all of their nano hearts pound.

This was what became the normal day at the nano high school. Before Samantha arrived, most of the students were actually excited to see a giant person up close; maybe they would get along well. But that's not what happened at all. On her first day in homeroom, a group of nano friends welcomed her to the school and asked if she'd like anything to feel more welcome. Samantha looked at them for a moment, already turned on from her nano fetish, and said she'd probably be more comfortable if they sat on her desk her during the first day. Halfway through the lesson, Samantha was already tapping them down with her finger, smothering them and making them squirm and yell. When class was over, the teacher spoke to her and said she'd report her to the principal for abusing her classmates. The teacher, however, spent the rest of the day inside Samantha's shoe for threatening her like that. She did the same with another handful of teachers and even the tiny principal; she wanted to make it clear she was the one in charge now. On Wednesday, the senior class president decided she'd had enough of what Samantha was doing. While the nano was telling her off, saying that she would call the authorities about her extreme abuse of them, Samantha casually lifted her barefoot and stomped on the tiny older girl, who let out nothing but a short scream before popping under the force of Samantha's sole. She was the first to go, the first example Samantha made that she was the boss and they were nothing but bugs and playthings, and just what would happen if they disobeyed.

From there things only got worse, more people ended up under the gigantic exchange student as she had her fun, every moment seemed dedicated to torturing someone until they screamed for mercy. You'd think they would just stop coming to school, but Samantha said if they did she'd take a nice relaxing walk through the neighborhood, or on it to be more accurate. And that brings us to today, where the exchange student now rules the school.

As Samantha listened to the teacher, she began getting bored. The squirming under her feet had more or less stopped, either from her captives getting too tired or passing out from lack of oxygen. She decided to have some more fun as she reached next to her desk and grabbed a handful of more classmates. Again she heard the sweet sound of tiny screams as they sprawled out onto her palm. She gave them a big toothy smile before sitting up in her seat and lifting her skirt with her free hand. After it was up, Samantha let her classmates roll out of her hand and onto her seat, directly under her Titanic sized ass. They looked in horror and screamed again, "NO!!! SAMANTHA!! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!! NO NO—AAAAHHHH!!" *BOOM*. Samantha barely even listened to them as she sat back down, but their screams were turning her on as she felt them smush under her bare ass. She felt some cracking as she adjusted her sitting back to normal, she thought it must be one of the desks she grabbed with her classmates, either that or one of them getting crushed. She hoped it was the second one.

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