Their First Kiss

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Betty stared helplessly at the two massive soles before her, Samantha's shoes were like skyscrapers; no, triple that. They would have been a solid black if not for the countless red stains of blood that covered them.

"I said lick, bug! Yeesh it's like you want me to crush you." Samantha finally said, sounding annoyed and snapping Betty out of her daze.

Betty looked back over to Bree, who was still laying against the cookie crumb, dazed and drooling with her hand still against her crotch. Betty looked back to the massive walls and gave in, she began crawling towards them; she was afraid if she didn't she'd be immediately killed like Adrian, or worse. She made it to the bottom of the closest Mary Jane shoe and looked at it disgusted, it was covered in blood and large bits of wood, she recognized them as pieces of the lunchroom tables she stepped on coming in. Tears began flowing from her eyes as she starting giving the sole big long licks, lapping up the bitter blood of her pathetic classmates who'd been crushed. Samantha giggled, she couldn't even feel Betty down there, so small and pathetic. But then again, she could barely even feel it when she stepped on the nanos. Speaking of nanos, Samantha looked between her shoes and could see the tiny crumb Bree was still laying against; she thought it was time to see how she was enjoying her little show. Samantha leaned forward, careful not to move her feet and crush Betty, she wasn't done with her yet. She plucked up her tiny girlfriend between her massive fingers and brought her up to her eyes. Bree had pretty much gone limp in Samantha's grasp, still exhausted from her little enjoyment session. Samantha smiles seeing Bree in this state, exhausted and, of course, utterly helpless; maybe it was time to have some fun with her.

"You enjoying the show, sweety~?" Samantha said in a sweet voice. Bree nodded tiredly, smiling with her eyes barely open. Suddenly Bree felt herself sway and realized Samantha was moving her.

"S-Samantha..! What are you doing?" Bree said, getting nervous as she saw her girlfriend's massive lips come closer. Samantha's lips puckered as Bree came closer, Bree just hoped they didn't open. Bree gave a loud yelp sound as she was slammed into the full red lips. They were massive, the bottom one she hit must have been about twice her height and they were incredibly soft. Bree felt like she was being smothered as she was pushed deeper into the soft lips, but now she knew what was going on. She wiggled and squirmed and tried kissing Samantha's lips as hard as she could, hopefully enough to get her to notice. After a few more seconds Bree was pulled away from the titanic lips and brought back up to Samantha's massive brown eyes.

"Sorry babe~," Samantha boomed, "didn't mean to scare you with that little kiss."

"I-it's okay!" Bree shouted back, "I liked it!". She hoped Samantha could hear her, she wasn't sure exactly how loud she had to yell to be heard. Being smaller meant her voice was much quieter than Samantha's, forcing Bree to yell and Samantha's voice seem to boom all around her whenever she spoke. Which wasn't completely bad, Bree loved hearing Samantha's voice, and feeling the vibrations coming off it made her feel even more insignificant.

"Oh good~" Samantha replied with an ominous smirk on her face, "then how about another with tongue this time~?"

"W-what!?" Samantha yelled hearing the word 'tongue', that's what she was afraid of. She didn't want to be anywhere near that thing right now, not during lunch. Bree shrieked as she was swung away from the eye and directly onto Samantha's monstrous tongue. She panicked, squirming to and fro as Samantha pressed her down deeper with her finger. Bree could barely breath as her face was shoved into the red flesh, she tried screaming but her mouth only filled with tongue and spit. She stayed pressed tightly against the tongue for a full three minutes, nearly passing out from lack of air. When Samantha finally took her finger off the tiny girl Bree found herself still stuck to the massive slimy tongue. She tried lifting herself up but could only get her upper body free; and all she could see was the slope leading down to Samantha's throat her her uvula dangingling free. This was the thing of nightmares.

"S-Sam!! D-Don't swallow! Okay!?" Bree yelled, hoping Samantha could hear her. She looked back towards the opening of the mouth, and as the finger she arrived on finally left she could see lips closing, then the teeth.

"SAM!!! SAAAAM!" Bree yelled, thinking she was actually about to be eaten. She was finally able to free her legs and started awkwardly running on the soft slimy surface as fast as she could towards the opening. She barely got anywhere before the teeth clacked shut. Bree kept running until she reached the building-sized teeth and began pounding her fists against them.

"Samantha! Let me out!" Bree begged, standing on the rim of the gums before the teeth.

From behind she suddenly felt a waft of air hit her back. Bree turned around and saw that Samantha's tongue was raised, and the tip was pointed directly at her. All Bree could do was let out a scream as the enormous tongue slammed her against the Ivory towers of teeth. She felt like she'd be smashed against the tooth and be crushed with all the force the tongue was putting on her; it began rubbing her back and forth against the teeth, very gently. A moment later Bree could hear what sounded like loud moaning; it was Samantha. Bree could hear it for a few more seconds before all sound was drowned out as she was submerged into the rising pool of spit. Again Bree thought she about to pass out when, instead of slamming against the tooth again, she felt it move down, with her and the pool traveling over the massive teeth. Through the gel-like saliva, Bree thought she finally saw daylight again, or rather the lightbulbs of the cafeteria. Bree struggled to swim in the pool of spit, trying to reach the top and breach the surface; but when she got close she felt the whole world tip onto its side. The tongue extended and slammed Bree into something different this time, she felt smushed against something softer than a tooth, and strangely familiar. The tongue dragged across her, spreading the spit so she could sit-up and breath again. Her breathing was quick as she looked around in a daze, she was on Samantha's hand, covered head-to-toe in saliva. Bree looked up hesitantly at Samantha's face and saw she was blushing slightly, and giving her a big toothy smile.

"Hehe! First tongue kiss, huh?" Samantha laughed. That's all it had been, a simple French kiss that nearly ended Bree's life several times.

Bree kept staring up in amazement, she wasn't scared anymore, no. What she felt right now was utter love. Her heart (and her panties) were about to explode just thinking about how scared she had been only a few minutes ago. How pathetic she had been being pushed around and nearly killed by her girlfriend's tongue. She was nothing more than a bug to this goddess, or even below that. Bree once again felt blessed to call this goddess her girlfriend and so happy to be used as a mere plaything for Samantha's mouth. Her happiness only grew as Samantha said her next words, licking her lips.

"Mmmm.. you know, I'm starting to get kind of hungry,~" Samantha glanced over to her slice of pizza next to the small container filled with the students from the train.

"Let's see what's for lunch~."

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