Chapter 51: Let Go

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AN: Last chapter. I'll be posting the epilogue soon :) 

Natalie: One month after surgery

"Alright kiddos, this is the last round of birdie on a perch takes flight! Let's hear it for your counselors!" Ben called out into the mic. All of the kids got super excited, screaming for their own counselors to win for their cabins. I leaned back against the wall in the opposite corner, arms folded across my chest with a small smile, trying to fight back the tears in my eyes.

It was the last day of the session, but most importantly it was the last day of Chickasaw. I gazed around the dining hall, wanting to internalize this moment in my brain forever. All of our campers were completely decked out in bright colors: bandanas, face paint, crazy hats, leis, feather boas, hula skirts - whatever they could find in our supply closet was fair game tonight. Every wall was decorated with each team's arts and crafts from the last two weeks and pictures of them performing all of the activities from archery to canoeing to field sports and everything in between. It had taken us all morning to put it up, but this was a special moment and we wanted to make the most of it.

In less than thirty minutes, their parents would be here to pick them up and this would all be over.


I looked up to see Harry running over from the stage. Sniffing hard, I shook the thoughts away and started walking towards him. "Hey."

He shot me a wink, holding out his hand. "May I have this game?" He asked sincerely, a slight glint in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes, covering my face with my hand. He was absolutely ridiculous.

"I'm serious." He grinned, taking my hand and pulling me along as he pointed to the scoreboard behind the stage. "We're tied with Mary's cabin. If we win this round, we win the Chickasaw Cabin award."

I immediately perked up. We had yet to win the cabin award this summer, always coming in second or third. I, of course, blamed Harry. "Maybe we'd already be first if you ever got your boys to breakfast on time." I retorted, squeezing his hand.

He stopped on a dime and I ran nose-first into his shoulder blades. Turning around, Harry opened his mouth to make some smartass remark, but closed it and shook his head at me. Instead he took his free hand and lightly tapped my cheek twice, eyes full of mischief. "You're lucky you're cute Clemons."

I stuck my tongue out at him as we approached the collection of counselors in the middle of the floor. The campers were circled around us, each group forming a chant for their own cabin. I couldn't help but notice that both of our kiddos had begun yelling "Hattie! Hattie! Hattie!" at the top of their lungs.

Harry sighed and ran a hand through his curls. "Great, now we have a ship name."

I snickered. "Judy would be so proud."

"Counselors, are you ready?!" Ben yelled, pumping a fist into the air.

I started meandering towards the smaller inner circle of girls when Harry grabbed my hand. My eyes met his and there was a small smirk on his lips. "When the music stops, don't move." He breathed.

"But I can..."

"For old time's sake," He shot me another wink and gently shoved me towards the group. "Don't worry about it. I'll get to you." He called out as he stepped back into the outer circle.

I tilted my head, trying to place the cocky tone of his voice and those words. They were so familiar. In fact, I was almost positive that he had said the exact same thing on the first day of camp, the first time we had ever played this together. Wow, what a summer. If you had told me back then that I would be in love with the British bad boy three months later, I would have punched you in the face.

Letting Go (Harry Styles AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें