Chapter 16: Keeping Secrets

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Dedicated to tastelikestars because she is literally going to kill me after reading this :P 

Harry Styles

Natalie's body tensed as we continued down the street towards the diner. Her eyes flitted from one corner to the other, searching halfheartedly for a way out. I shook my head, a slight grin on my lips. "Even if you tried to run, you wouldn't get very far on that leg."

I half expected a glare, but her gaze faltered to the concrete beneath us, the previous fire within her completed exhausted. My curiosity was slowly eating me alive. She was being so odd today. Usually my comments brought out a sarcastic comment or two, but this morning her reactions were slow and hesitant. She seemed unsure of herself - shaken by whatever was going on in her head. I couldn't imagine what it was that stunted her quick wit and caused her to lie to Ben, but I sure as hell was going to find out.

I held the door open, making sure I was between her and the exit in case she decided to try and make a break for it. She rolled her eyes at my "chivalrous" act, probably guessing that I wasn't trying to be a gentleman by any means.

The diner was fairly empty, but then again it was a little early to be eating lunch. The red leather cushioning on the seats were worn and coming apart at the edges and the checkered tiles were cracking down the middle. Two elderly men were sitting on the barstools at the front counter, playing cards and sipping casually on their beers. Overall it had the vibe of a retro 50's diner that had never been remodeled, just left to the elements of time.

Natalie nodded at the two men before sitting down at a small booth in the corner. I sat across from her. Just as I was about to pounce, a middle-aged woman appeared out of thin air and slapped two plastic menus on the table.

"Natalie! What a pleasant surprise. Who's your friend?" She grinned, her short black curls bouncing against her shoulders.

Natalie cringed a little at the woman's obvious enthusiasm before attempting to lift the left side of her mouth. It was a stretch to even call it a smile and I couldn't help but chuckle at her discomfort. "This is Harry, one of our new counselors." She nodded at me briefly. I managed a wave, finding Natalie's reaction highly amusing.

The woman immediately shot out her hand towards me, nearly shaking with excitement. "Lovely to meet you Harry, I'm Judy."

I reached forward and shook her hand. "Pleasure's all mine."

Judy's eyes lit up. "Ooo, what an accent. Where you from darlin'?"


"Wow. Fantastic." She clasped her hands together noisily. Her gaze settled back on Natalie, who was peering out the window absentmindedly, leaning her chin against her hand. Her gaze followed random cars that passed the diner, but her mind was clearly somewhere else.

"Want the usual Nat honey?" Judy asked, resting her hand on her shoulder.

Nat turned her attention back towards us. "Sure thing."

Judy nodded once. "What about you Harry? She usually gets the hot wings with fries and a chocolate milkshake."

My stomach seemed to answer for me, growling its agreement. "I'll have the same."

"Comin' right up." With that, she headed towards the counter and checked on the two men before pushing through the double doors of the kitchen.

Nat had now taken to playing with the napkin surrounding her silverware. I knew fidgeting was a clear sign of nerves, especially when she was planning on lying to me. I sighed heavily. Things would go a whole lot faster if she would just tell me what she's up to. "She's nice." I commented, testing the waters.

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