Chapter 15: Running Without a Plan

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Natalie Clemons

“No, that’s not going to work either.” I groaned, massaging my temples fervently. “I’m such an idiot.”

I hesitantly peeked through my fingers and glanced back down at the table. The blank sheet stared back at me, mocking my lack of preparation. I slammed my hand down on top of it, blocking the white glare. Today was the day that was going to either make me or break me and I couldn’t come up with a single idea of how to get out of this mess. Not one. Everything was riding on my ability to pull this off - this fake doctor’s appointment.

I did feel guilty about lying to Uncle Ben, but it was a necessity. I had no other choice if I wanted to save Chickasaw. After all, we had a deal. If I went to the doctor and they said I was fine right now, he wouldn’t try to sell it. This camp was his baby, his whole world. I couldn’t imagine him living or doing anything else. He loved this place. I wasn’t going to let him give it up for me.

But, now I had dug myself into a hole. By telling James and Connor, I had to keep up my charades with three people instead of one. They would all be watching me now, asking about what the doctor said and expecting to see improvements in my walking. Plus, there’s only one doctor in Starkville who knows the details about my hip and there’s only one pharmacy. What if Uncle Ben went into town and ran into Dr. Morris? What if a counselor's dad, who works at the pharmacy, claims that he never sees me come in? There are so many ways that this can go wrong, it’s not even funny. The less people that know I’m going to the doctor, the better off I am. 

Ugh, why can’t Uncle Ben just let me go alone?

He was way too busy trying to run the camp to come with me, but he insisted that I take someone else. He claims that it’s just in case they give me a shot or some pain killers and I can’t drive back, but I have a feeling that he doesn’t trust me enough to go by myself. Little does he know that he shouldn’t trust me at all.

I could ask James or Connor to go, but they would ask too many questions and demand to come inside the doctor’s office with me and wait in the lobby. Even if I could convince them to drop me off, they would still expect to see a prescription or rehabilitation letter or something. If they suspected my true intentions, they would immediately tell Uncle Ben and I would be screwed. The other options didn’t look promising either. I could ask Tamara or Courtney, but they, like everyone else here, have too much of a past with me. Uncle Ben wouldn’t hesitate to ask them if I actually went because they’ve known me for so long. They know about my hip problems whether I want them to or not.

Which meant that my only hope was an annoyingly perceptive twenty year old rebel with emerald green eyes and tons of tattoos.

But what the hell do I tell him?

And why am I using hell so much now?

Freaking Harry Styles.

Pushing myself out of my chair, I hobbled over to the window. The break had started about ten minutes ago, yet he was still nowhere in sight. I should’ve been mad that he was late, but for the most part I was relieved. I needed time to think about this. One wrong move and Chickasaw would slip right through my fingers. I couldn’t be as careless as I was with James and Connor.

As my camp partner, Harry had a front row seat into my life whereas the others only saw bits and pieces. Because of that, he was more attuned to my hip than most people, frequently calling me out for lying about the pain. He was curious and excruciatingly observant. I suppose most girls would love that in a guy, but for me it was dangerous. I had too many secrets for someone to be prying into my life right now. I couldn’t afford for him to get any closer - there was too much at stake.

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