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No ones point of view

Maya and Lucas had a very interesting relationship after they got home the hospital. In the course of only a week Lucas was able to forgive Maya and everything went back to normal.

Today was their fifth Christmas together and the first one they wouldn't be spending with any other family members.

"Are you sure you aren't upset your parents couldn't make it?" Maya asked Lucas from the other side on the bed.

Even though it was Christmas Maya and Lucas planned on staying in bed all day watching movies. They were currently on our their fourth movie and hadn't opened any presents yet.

Lucas smiled at her and wrapped his arms around her, "This is way better than listening to my moms same old stories."

"I love your mom. She's just so nice and she likes to spend time with us whenever she comes into the city."

"I love them too but I'm happy they are spending Christmas on a cruise together."

"Not just Christmas."

Lucas's parents unlike most people ran off and got married on Christmas Day without telling anyone.

"That's right today's their 40th wedding anniversary," Lucas said, "I can't believe they have been together for so long."

Maya nodded and turned her attention back towards the TV. She kept shifting awkwardly on the bed trying to get comfortable for a couple minutes.

Lucas sat up off the bed, "Maya whats wrong?"

Maya looked down towards the floor and then pushed a piece of hair behind her ear, "Do you ever think that will happen to us?"

"Will what happen to us?" Lucas asked as his heart began to race.

"You know get married and live happily ever after," she says, "Not that I don't love being your girlfriend or anything it's just I want to be your wife."

Maya completely oblivious to the fact that Farkle and Lucas went ring shopping for her two days ago doesn't know that Lucas was just waiting for the right moment.

"Of course I want that," he reassured her, "Who knows maybe next year we will be married."

"Maybe," Maya lips form a grin, "Now get back here and cuddle with me."


Around 10:30 p.m. Maya and Lucas finally got around to opening their gifts for each other. They got each other the normal things gifts and made the family room a mess in the process.

Lucas lit the fireplace and Maya sat down next to it holding something behind her back smirking.

"What's with your cheeky smile?" He laughed sitting down next to her.

"There is nothing cheeky about smile," Maya continued to smile.

"Okay. What's behind your back then?" He asked pointing at her arm.

"Oh you know just mistletoe," Maya said pulling out the mistletoe, "You can give me my last Christmas present."

Maya held up the mistletoe and he leaned in to giving her a quick kiss.
He gave her a cheeky smile back and took the mistletoe from her hand.

Maya smirked back, "What's with your cheeky smile?"

He looked over toward the window and then at the clock which read 11:10.

"That's not your last Christmas present," he said.

"What?" Maya questioned.

"Close your eyes," He replied.

Maya shut her eyes and Lucas pulled out the ring and checked the clock again which now read 11:11, "Open them."

Maya beautiful eyes fluttered open and focused on the ring Lucas was holding.

"So Will you marry me?"


Maya held the small bundle in her arms tightly not wanting to ever let go. Lucas who has missed his flight back home and didn't make it to their daughter birth walked through the door completely out of breath.

"Maya I'm so sorry. I can't believe I missed the birth of our daughter," Lucas apologized throwing his bag to the floor.

Maya let out a little laugh and motioned for Lucas to come to her side, "You didn't miss much just a lot of pain."

Maya and Lucas had already picked out the name Ella before she was born let out a little cry. Lucas's eyes started to flood with tears and he sat down next to Maya.

"Hold her," Maya said.

"What if I drop her?" Lucas asked.

Maya laughed, "You won't drop her."

Maya carefully handed her off to Lucas and watched the two of them.

"Hello princess I'm your daddy. I'm gonna make sure you stay safe and make sure no boys break your heart."


Lucas and Maya sat down on the couch and Ella sat on Lucas's lap taking about her day at preschool.

"Ella mommy and I have so exciting news for you?" Lucas said grabbing Maya hand.

"Is Aunt Riley coming over?" Ella asked.

"Even better," Lucas smiled.

"Ella your going to be a big sister," Maya pointed to her barely noticeable stomach.

"Did you eat the baby?" Ella asked.

"Yes," Lucas said.

"No,"Maya laughed hitting Lucas's arm.

So that's how this story ends. Maya and Lucas and married and have two kids together.

Thanks for all the votes and comments you guys gave me throughout the process of writing this book.

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