Chapter 42

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Maya's POV

"Can...can I see him now?" I asked.

Lucas's mom nodded her head, "His right down the hall in room 203."

I hugged his mom really tight before I went over to Riley, "Hey can you stay with them for a few minutes until I come back."

"Yeah of course," Riley pulled me into a hug and I almost started to cry, "Now go see Lucas and don't worry Farkle and I will be right here if you need us."

"Thanks," I sniffled.

I walked down the hallway until I got to room 203. His door had a little window on the side and I could only see his hospital bed. Slowly I opened the door and walked over to Lucas.

"Hey," I managed to get out.

"Hi," he says.

Lucas had a cast over his one leg and something wrapped around his bare chest. His face is covered black and blue marks or red marks.

"What happened?" I move close to him.

"I got into a fight with someone who was stronger than me by a lot," he sighs, "So now I've got a broken leg and 3 broken ribs."

"Lucas that's so stupid why would you do that?" I sat down on the edge of his bed.

"I called Payton and told him what happened and he said took me out for drinks."

"You were drunk when you got into a fight with him."


"Clearly being drunk does no good for you."

"I wouldn't say that."


"Being drunk got me with you," he smiled.

" still want to be with me?" I stamper out moving close to him.

"I've been in love with you too long to give up on what we have," Lucas sat up as best as he could in his bed.

Little tears started to make their way down my face Lucas wiped them away

"I would kiss you right now but I think it would hurt you," I laughed.

"It's worth the pain," Lucas smiled.

That kiss was beyond amazing words couldn't explain how lucky I am.

Sleeping with a friendजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें