The Truth / Bakugou

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I push open the exit, and adjust the sunglasses on my nose. Nobody else needs to see me cry today. That strange lady was already one too many.

They told me I only have 3 months left tops. I will need to start using hearing aids in less than a month. My life is literally crashing and burning. I'm going to have to find another job, and unenroll from UA.

I walk to my car, feeling the box in my pocket with every movement I make. Each step a reminder that they're going to become a part of me at some point. That I'm not going to become a hero.

When I open the driver side door Kirishima looks at me. A singular tear slides down his face as he speaks, "Are you ok?"

I don't want to lie, but I have to. Except, no.. this is Kirishima. "No, no I'm not," I struggled to keep my voice from quivering. I'm supposed to be the tough guy, the strong one that can handle anything. I can't handle this. I can't handle my dreams disappearing.

Kirishima seems genuinely worried, maybe I can.. can I open up to you? Let you all the way in? You're the only one who's made me- made me feel anything in years.

"I'll be completely deaf in 3 months or less," the words leave my mouth, but I don't remember speaking them.

"Oh my god, Bakugou," the red head's voice is barely a whisper.

"Katsuki," I correct him with a small exhale, "if I'm going to- just call me Katsuki, ok?"

"Of course,"  he smiles to me, "you can call me Eijirou."

"Ok..,Eijirou," the word brings a sort of calmness to me as I speak.

"They say there's already signs, and I'm going to need these in less than one," I cringe and place my hand over my pocket.

"Need what?" he questions, and I remember I still hadn't mentioned them.

I fidget with my hand for a moment before reaching to my pocket. I pull the box out, and hand it to him. "These."

My eyes sting as I watch Kirishima flip open the small box. His expression turns to one of shock, "Oh."

"Yeah," my voice is small, it doesn't contain its usual vicious bite.

"Here," Kirishima closes the box and hands it back to me, "you know my address right?"

"Actually," I clutch the steering wheel with one hand, and run the other one through my hair, "do you want to hang out at mine?"

"Oh, sure!" the red head's voice sounds
a bit cheerier since I mentioned hanging out.

I look towards him for a moment, simultaneously moving the gear shift out of park.

I turn the radio on, and suddenly Kirishima's smile widens. "I love this song!" He starts to happily bop from side to side in his seat. I can't help but steal a peek as we pull to a stoplight.

My stomach flips and a small smile tugs at the edge of my lip. Adorabl- Stop. Don't do this to yourself. Not again.

We pull into my drive way, and I let out a small sigh. "Mom's already here."

Kirishima tilts his head with a questioning look, I see it out of the corner of my eye.

"She's probably already told my Dad, and I don't want to talk about it."

The red head shakes his head and looks towards the floor mat with a hum, "Yeah, they'll probably want to talk about it, but if you're not ready you're not and that's fine." He exhales lightly before continuing, "I can tell them that."

"You don't have to, let's just walk past them without responding."

"Sounds very Bakugou of you," Kirishima laughs and opens his door.

"Tch, whatever, Shitty Hair," I open my door and step out onto the pavement.

Once we got inside my Dad just looked towards me sympathetically, my Mom wasn't even in the room. "My room," I nod towards the stairway and look back to Kirishima.

"Bet," the red head flashed me a toothy grin, and we were on our way.

The rest of day was dedicated to endless hours of video games and movies. I needed to drown out reality for as long as possible, and I couldn't think of anybody better to do it with. Although, he would never know that.







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