---Venom{2}(Implied DRAMP)---

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Tw. More death

(Welcome to me being uncreative with titles)



Roman pulls out his sword and Logan turns to particles. He wipes his tears away and cleans off his sword before resheathing it.

Then, he remembers that Hunter is still inside of Deceit and could easily attack them right now.

Roman runs down the halls towards Deceit's room, which is where Deceit definitely would have taken them.

However, when he gets there, the room is empty except for a note that sits on Deceit's bed.

Roman quickly grabs it and reads it.


I see you have found my note. You are very clever for someone who is more based on creativity. Then again, logic isn't around anymore so someone has to do it. I would've thought Deceit.
Anyway, you have only found this. The moment you plunged your sword into Logan and ended his life, I started a timer. A timer for twenty-four hours. If you don't find us by the time the timer goes off, I will kill Patton, and then Remus, and then Virgil, and then I'll come and kill you, before finally killing Deceit himself.
I wish you luck, although this would be so much more fun if you failed.


Roman curses under his breath, crumbling the note and throwing it at the wall.

He can't believe he was that stupid! He knew that Hunter could control Deceit whenever he wished to and he shouldn't have let them leave.

Despite his anger at himself, he still had to find his fellow sides.

He quickly hurries out of the room to start his journey.



Roman can't believe it.

Hunter had gone to his Imagination and created a giant palace with no clues inside of it. Just to waste Roman's time.

He storms out of his Imagination and huffs. He had already triple-checked everywhere in the Mindscape and he was currently at a loss.

However, just as he was about to go back to the drawing board, he remembered something important.

He and Remus didn't share an Imagination.

Roman quickly runs to the Darkscape, trying to remember what door it was before pulling open a pitch-black door and of course...

Of course, Hunter would hide them in a maze...



Roman has been searching for hours, he was sure of it.

He made twists and turns and went back and he was sure he had tried every single way that Hunter had put in.

However, he keeps running, hoping to find an end somewhere.

Roman gives a persistent huff and keeps running.



Roman feels his stomach growl for what seemed to be the fifteenth time. He growls.

He knew he had to find them soon if he was growing hungry that meant that he was running out of time.

Suddenly, he comes to a stop.

"Roman will find you! I know he will! He's... Very good at mazes." Roman hears. He recognizes the voice instantly as his brothers.

"REMUS!" He calls out.

"ROMAN?!" Roman hears Remus shout back.


"Oh, you..." He hears an unfamiliar voice hiss. Suddenly, the walls of the maze shrink down and Roman is met with Virgil, Remus, Patton, and Deceit tied up to chairs.

"Well, very clever Roman. Letting your brother know that he was in control of this place." Hunter says turning to face Roman.

Hunter wears a black overcoat and black jeans with an orange shirt. His hair was a dark brown, like Thomas', but his eyes were bright orange. Roman instantly points a sword at Hunter.

"I found you. Now release them." Roman says bravely.

"Now, now, Roman. You were almost finished with my maze. But then, you cheated. I would've held up my end of the deal... If you held up yours." Hunter says.

"There was never a deal. You took my friends and said you would give them back if I found them." Roman says.

"Roman, please. There was a deal the moment you entered this maze. When you are doing a maze on paper, you never just cut through the walls to get to the end, now do you? You cheated on my game and now you get to pay." Hunter says.

Then Hunter lunges at Roman. He instinctively dodges, catching Hunter's arm on his sword.

Hunter looks down at his now bleeding arm.

"Well, fine, then, if that's how we're gonna play, we should at least play fair," Hunter says. He then summons himself his sword, spinning around and swinging at Roman.

However, he was ready. The swords cling together and Roman stares at him.

"It's on."

The swords fly every which way, creating sparks that surprise the watchers.

Hunter is a good sword fighter but Roman is better. He had been practising for years and years whereas this was only Hunter's first battle with another side.

Roman remembers suddenly what Logan had asked him to do.

"Don't let... Hunter... Get to... You... Or Patton... Or anyone... Else... Please... For me..."

"I won't, Logan, I promise I won't. For you."

Roman's eyes get glassy and he shouts, his attacks becoming harder and faster.


He perseveres, backing Hunter off.

Then, Roman's sword pulls back and plunges hilt-deep into Hunter.

Hunter gasps and coughs, his breathing getting ragged. Slowly, though, he smiles. And then, chuckles.

"Roman. Now you have the blood of two sides on your hands. How are you going to be able the handle that?" Hunter asks weakly. Roman shakes his head.

"No. The blood that I have on my hands is not of two sides. It is of a friend who practically begged me to end his suffering and it is of a monster. And that, Hunter, is something I will just have to deal with. Because now, others need me. And I don't have time to grieve over what I couldn't have stopped." Once Roman finishes, he yanks his sword out and Hunter falls to the ground before turning to particles, just like Logan did.

Roman sniffs and wipes his sword off before resheathing it and turning back to his friends.

He wastes no time cutting them free of their ropes and helping them up.

"Come on, guys. Let's get some rest." Roman says.

They teleport back to the Commons. Patton breaks down into tears, hugging onto Virgil when he realizes that Logan is gone.

Roman makes food for them all, saving himself for last.

They then watch Logan's favourite Disney movie, Big Hero Six, hoping that he'll be able to watch it with them.

Because the last words he said let them know that he would.

(1135 words)

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