--It's All In Your Head{2}--

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(Wattpad is being a lil bitch so I have to repost this so it won't jump around my fucking story contents anymore)

(Part 2 to Mental)

(Did I plan for this to only be one part? Yes.
Did it go wrong? Yes.
Am I sort of liking where it's going? Abso-fucking-lutely.)

Roman doesn't know how to react.

"Oh, no no no no!" He shouts. "Damn it, Patton! I should have seen that coming!"

Thomas is completely shocked. Things were all happening so fast and he didn't know if he could even begin to keep up. However, now was a time to comfort Roman.

"Roman, no. Nobody could've seen that coming." Thomas says.

"But I should have! Patton said 'Because I know exactly how to get you to listen to me' and that way is Logan and Virgil!" Roman shouts, running a hand through his hair, grabbing at it at some points.

"How would you have known?" Thomas asks. Roman's breath gets shaky.

"Because Patton knows all of my weaknesses. He knows that hurting them gets to me." Roman responds breathlessly.

"Why? Why does it get to you?" Thomas continues pushing.

"Because I love them!" He shouts.

It gets quiet. Thomas and Roman stare at each other.

After a moment, Thomas speaks.

"Then save them." He says. "Be their knight in shining armour."

Roman's eyes twinkle for the first time in a while. He slowly gives a small smile.

"I will." Before he sinks down, he says one more thing. "Thank you, Thomas."


The Mindscape is dark.

Darker than it's been before.

Roman looks around, unsheathing his sword.

If he was any other trait, he might have been scared.

However, this is the greater good that he is talking about.

And he won't let Patton get away with whatever he was doing to Logan and Virgil.


Patton stares at the two traits before him.

Logic and Anxiety.

Logan and Virgil.

The two traits that have made his life so much harder by claiming to have mental illnesses that they don't actually have.

Because nobody can actually hate physical contact.

And Logan is far too smart to have a stutter.

Logan and Virgil are asleep for now. Each of them has tear tracks running down their faces.

Patton walks over to Virgil and touches his cheek lightly. Virgil instantly jolts awake and away from Patton's hand as if Patton had just touched him with a hot iron.

"Awe, Virgil, it's okay. It's just me." Patton says, moving his hand to touch him again. Virgil tries to move away again but finds he can't.

"P-Patton, I'm serious. Don't touch me." Virgil says, voice shaking.

"But why not? You're here just for me. So what's stopping me?" Patton asks. Virgil lets out a shaky breath.

"Don't, Patton. Do you really want to hurt me?" Virgil asks harshly. Patton freezes up, his face darkening.

"I'm not hurting you. I'm helping you. You're touch starved." Patton says. Virgil shakes his head.

"I'm not touch starved. I hate skin contact. Every time you touch me, it hurts. Burns, even. I know that you don't want to hurt me. So don't. Touch. Me." Virgil growls. Patton stares.

"... Really...?" Patton asks. Virgil is fairly shocked at how quiet Patton sounds.

"Yes." Virgil snaps. Patton looks fairly guilty.

"I'm... I'm sorry..." He says suddenly, tearing up. Virgil stares.

"Um... I-It's okay." Virgil says. He's about to sit up but remembers that he can't move. "Patton, why can't I move?" Patton tenses up.

"O-oh, I'm sorry. Hold on just a moment." Patton gets close to touching Virgil's arms but avoids doing so.

After a moment, Virgil could sit up. Patton gets back up to eye level with him.

"What'd you do?" Virgil asks. Patton looks away.

"Rope..." Patton says quietly. Virgil stares.

"Why do you have...?" Virgil asks, trailing off. Patton shakes his head.

"For some not so innocent deeds. I wouldn't ask." Patton says. Virgil blushes deeply.

"Alright then..." He breathes out. A groan comes from next to him.

"V-Vi-Virgil...?" Logan asks quietly. Virgil turns to him.

"Yeah, Logan?" Virgil asks. Logan slowly turns to him.

"Wh-whe... Where a-am I...?" He asks. Virgil looks around but can't place any of the surroundings. He turns to Patton.

"Where are we?" Virgil asks him.

"The Imagination," Patton responds. Logan's eyes fly open.

"P-Pat... Patton?" He asks fearfully, attempting to sit up but finding he can't. He looks around rapidly, panicking.

"Logan, calm down. You'll be okay. We're okay. Remember the notecard you gave me?" Logan finally turns back to Virgil, nodding. "'Be calm. Everything will be okay in the end'." Virgil quotes.

Logan takes a breath and nods.

"Th-thank y-y-you..." Logan says softly. Virgil nods.

"Patton, can you untie Logan?" Virgil asks. Patton nods and goes over. Logan closes his eyes as Patton unties him, scared of what might happen if he were to look at him.

Once Logan can sit up and move, he scoots away from Patton fearfully. Patton sighs.

"Logan, I'm sorry. I didn't know that this was honestly an issue but if you want, we can get speech therapy." Patton says, sounding genuine. Logan stares in shock.

"R-rea-really?" He asks softly. Patton smiles and nods. Just as he does, Roman breaks down the door.

"Stand down, fiend! For I, Prince Roman, am here!" Roman shouts, pointing his sword at Patton. Virgil smiles and waves. Roman confusedly lowers his sword. "Wait... What's going on...?" He asks.

"Um... We've made up." Virgil says. Roman lets out a childish whine.

"What?! Before the epic battle can take place and I can save my poor damsels in distress and become your knight in shining armour?!" Roman cries out. Virgil laughs as Patton stands up and walks over to Roman. He puts his hands on Roman's shoulders.

"Roman, I'm sorry. I should have respected your wishes to not take medication from the start. But I know that you don't have to take medication to go on living a normal life." Patton says. Roman slowly smiles.

"Oh..." He says, slightly shocked. "I... Um... Thank you." Patton smiles at him before opening his arms.

"Hug...?" He asks. Roman grins and wraps his arms around Patton, dropping his sword.

"I'm glad you're back... Dad." Roman says hesitantly. Patton grins.

"Me too, kiddo."


(1065 words)

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