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-Poland POV-

I'm walking down the long hallway, the nurse leading me and Austria where Germany's room was supposed to be. I shiver at the thought of me getting trapped in another small room. I shuffle my wings behind me, and try to keep myself out of another flashback.  Austria seems to notice my discomfort, and looks up at me. I pretend to not notice, and go back to walking. A far-off wail alerts me, and my head shoots up. A crackle comes over a small radio. "Room 205 needs assistance."

-Austria POV-

I frown. This was beginning to freak me out, all I wanted to see was Germany. I have't seen in this much of a deteriorated state in years. Sense we were kids. I know he struggled with his anxiety, but I never bothered him about it. I shift my glasses, and the nurse turns around to face us. "It seems like Germany will be ready to see both of you in a half an hour. She smiles at both of us, and points us to a cafe and tells us to be back in 25 minutes. Poland thanks her, and poland sits down at a small booth while I hot cocoa. 

Sitting down opposite him, I hand him his drink.

He looks down at his phone, and frowns. "How are ze dogs voing?"

Surprised at his question, it takes me a second to respond.

"Zery vood!"

He smiles and goes back to his phone.

-Germany flashback POV-


I hear a knock to my small room. Putting my book down, I hide it quickly under my bed sheets. A tall figure comes in, and I see something on his hands. I stiffle a gasp, and my thoughts flicker back to the winged country in the cell. My Vater stares down at me, and he yanks me up. I misjudge my landing, and I fall to the floor. A sharp kick to my side makes me wince in pain.  I stand up and try to run out the door. He was too fast. I scream, and a sharp blow to my face knocks me to my knees. I struggle and get back to my feet, and push my father out of the way. Running down the hallway, my eyes catch on something. Feathers are sticking out of a metal door. I creep closer to them, and I tap on the metal. 

"Vat do zou want, Reich." The person mutters, and I step back.

"I vam not zim." I tell the person, and a bloody face stares back at me. I stumble back, and gasp. It was him. The captured one. I scream. Guards come. A hand pulls me back, and I see a huge country, along with my Vater step in with the poor thing. I watch in horror as my father takes a knife from his belt. I gasp, smacking my palm to my mouth. Blood, feathers, more blood. I can't get away from the sight. Screams were coming from the figure, and my Vather smiled, then turned and gripped my hand. The now-mutilated country, stared up at me, and stuffed something into my hand before going limp. 


sorry gamers i wanted to do another flashback-

523 word, longest chapter yet.

thanks for reading, leafs!

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