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-Germany POV-

I wake up to another nightmare. 'Damn..' I try to remember it, but all that comes up is flashes of grey chains and him. I roll over and grab my glasses, shoving them on my face so i can actually see. Rubbing the grime off of them,  I see my dog waiting patiently for me. I love him. 

"Come here!" I call Rocco, and get my glasses wet with slobber. I smile softly, and wipe my glasses for the second time. I usually do that 15 times per day. I've counted. Sitting up, i am greeted with a spell of nauseousness. Water. I stumble into the bathroom, grabbing the cup with my flag on it. USA made them last year for his secret santa. Rocco barks, reminding me he has to  go out. Trodding down the stairs, I see something out of the corner of my eye. I turn around, my head screaming in protest.  Thankfully it was only my other dog and cat. Minty and Pav. It  got to lonely in the house without pets. Opening the sliding door, both dogs go out. Pav leaps up on the counter, and i see something again. Taking off my glasses, I wipe them again. Three. I grab some Brötchen and sit down.

Again. I shake and sit up to take my breakfast outside. "Oh Nien." I feel the cold hands, and I shake them off, setting my breakfast down. I turn to see nothing. I stumble back, expecting to see the darkness again. My dogs  slowly come by me, and Pav curls her tail around me. No use coming out here and not eating anything. 

After I finish, I creep up to the door, letting my dogs and cat to see if anything seems off. They seem just fine, and I trust them. Getting my exercise clothes on and hooking my dogs up to their leashes, I walk out the front door. The warm-ish spring air hits me, and Rocco looks up at me.  We're going to the forest. I smile and wander to the trail. 

Im on my way back when I hear it. The simple woosh of wings. I haven't heard those in so long. Looking up, I see white coming through the grey clouds. Oh no. Minty barks up at the fast figure weaving through the clouds. "Minty! Sush." 


ok qwq first chapter!

390 words. :)

thanks for reading, leafs.

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