Part 10

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Perry: What were you and Yohan doing last night? You both look so sleep deprived!

Sohyul dozed off and Jin shook her a little.

Jin: Hey! Wake up!

Sohyul: Sorry.... I just studied last night and...

Sohyul widened her eyes, realizing what she did last night. She called him!?

Jin: And what?!

Sohyul: I'm so stupid!

Perry patted her back and whispered in her ear. "Yohan's coming." And Sohyul groaned. Though when she looked up a blush crept up her face. Yohan leaned on the table.

Yohan: Did you sleep well?

Jin and Perry were shook and made way for them to sit together.

Perry: Omo!

Jin: Perry let's go to the library!

Perry nodded and left. Jin and Perry smiled and cheered at the two. Sohyul out her head down.

Sohyul: Those dorks...

Yohan laughed and sat himself beside her.

Yohan: Are you tired? You shouldn't have come to school then..

Sohyul: I am but it's ok..

Sohyul was used to it, to be honest.. yesterday was one of the longest sleep she'd had in a while.

Yohan: Are you busy later?

Sohyul nodded. She had alot of stuff to do with her own gang. She also had to ask Perry about the gang leader.

Yohan: You can't even spare me an hour? No actually 30 minutes!

Sohyul shook her head.

Sohyul: I have so much stuff to do.

Yohan sighed.

Yohan: What if I help? I'll miss you too much if I don't see you!

Sohyul glared at him.

Sohyul: Your so clingy. You can't help me. I rather be alone.

Yohan made a "tch" sound and nodded.

Yohan: Call me later then.

Sohyul nodded, and before he left, he whispered in her ear "Love you". Sohyul hit his shoulder lightly.

Sohyul: I'm going to class early. See ya.

Sohyul stood up and they went separate ways.
Perry: Finally getting the hang of the soulmate thing??

Perry teased her and Sohyul groaned.

Sohyul: I don't know

Perry: But you found your soulmate! When we were younger you always fantasized about this stuff!

Sohyul: Well I'm not the same. I never even wanted to meet my soulmate anymore..

Perry patted her shoulder.

Perry: You'll end up with him one way or another.

Sohyul turned to her annoyed.

Sohyul: Stop teasing me!

Perry laughed.
"YOU!" Sohyul looked at the her gang member. "Yes ma'am..." He stepped forward and Sohyul shot him without looking. The rest of the members stayed slient, inside they were scared. Sohyul blew the dust off her fingers and smirked at the rest with a deadly look in her eyes. "Whoever else have disobeyed my orders!" They all shook their heads in fear of dying. Sohyul smiled. "Good." But then Sohyul took notice of someone hiding their wrist.

"The one hiding your wrist. Come out of behind them..." She said carefully.

The boy, assuming to be in high school and a new member. He fearfully stepped up and closed his eyes, waiting to be shot. Sohyul told everyone else to leave, except for him.

Sohyul: How old are you? What's your name?

The boy opened his eyes, and stared into Sohyul's now soft eyes. "Mason. I'm 17." Sohyul nodded.

Sohyul: Show me your wrist. I won't hurt you. I promise.

Mason nodded and gave her his hand. The mark of a guitar glowing. Sohyul smiled at him.

Sohyul: It's too dangerous for you to be a part of this with a soulmate. If you die, she'll be left alone and might even die with you from the pain.

Mason: But ma'am...

Sohyul shook her head.

Sohyul: I may be heartless to others, but I'm not going to kill an innocent soul.

Mason nodded.

Sohyul: Go home and don't come back. Don't tell anyone about this gang, or I will find you.

Mason nodded and Sohyul took an envelope out of her pocket. She gave it to him.

Mason: I can't accept this...

Sohyul bit her lip.

Sohyul: You joined this gang or were forced to for money right? Or was it revenge

Mason looked down. "Both"

Sohyul: Take the money for being in the gang, and consider yourself lucky. I usually kill people like you. Now who is it I need to kill for you?

Mason looked at her with shock.

Sohyul: It's a favor I'll do for you in exchange. So who is it?

Mason: Kim Soji. She killed my mom 2 years ago and she didn't go to jail for it. She made up some stupid alibi.

Sohyul nodded at his story.

Sohyul: You'll know when it's done.

Mason: Thank you ma'am.

Sohyul offered him a small smile.

Sohyul: Okay. Go.

Mason ran off with the money. Sohyul sighed. This is why she didn't want to find her soulmate, and that is why she let fortunate people with a soulmate go. So, the innocent people tied to them by the bond won't get hurt.
Sohyul laid down on her bed after a long night and she had given up on finding the gang leader because neither could Perry find him. She sighed and took her phone. It was 3am, and she was debating whether to call Yohan or not. Though, it seems like he chose for her.

Incoming Call: Yohaniee

Accept     Decline

She laughed at the name, he changed his contact to and accepted the call. He had on his camera so she turned hers on.

Yohan: You look tired.

Sohyul pouted her lips and said "You look tired too... why are you still awake?"

Yohan winked.

Yohan: Thinking of you.

Sohyul made a tch sound and heard Yohan's sigh.

Yohan: Though you should really sleep. I called because I knew you would be awake.

Sohyul looked up at the ceiling and said "Let's go out tomorrow..."

Yohan: WHAT?!

Sohyul smiled at him. She was falling for him and wanted to try. Hoping to get rid of the fear of people leaving her.

Sohyul: Do you want to or not?

Yohan nodded. "Where?"

Sohyul shrugged.

Sohyul: You wanted to bring me on a date. I'll expect you to tell me tomorrow.

Sohyul yawned.

Yohan: Ok. Now go sleep. I love you.

Sohyul glared at him at the sudden I love you and said bye before ending the call.

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