I follow after him and Sierra was laughing, That's the sound i like again. I knock and walk in. She was in Ashley's arms. I love their friendship.

"We're going to take Apollo for a walk." Ashley smiles. Standing up with Sierra, She looked different. She's not the same.

"And we are going to talk." Jonah nods at me and Luke.


Corbyn and I have been texting; arguing more like. I wanted to know the truth but he just assumes i'm cheating on him with Luke.

He texted me saying if Luke's better in bed? Obviously i was confused so i asked him what that was supposed to mean and he said he knows i cheated on him.

Which i haven't even let Luke hug me. Someone's filled his brain up that i've been unfaithful. I would never do that to him. Ever.

When i went to his house, Christina was wearing his shirt and my necklace. She just laughed when she seen me.

She told me 'Corbyn gets bored of me. I would be better off dead and Corbyn deserves better. He'll never love me as much as he loved her and the best thing to do would be slowly fade from his life.'

It hurts seeing and hearing constantly that the world would be better off without me, and to be honest, the only thing keeping me going right now is Louie and my dad. Trust if i was alone i would no longer have to put up with the pressure of being in the limelight.

"Apollo misses you." Ashley smiles, looking down at Apollo. He's grown. He was spending time with Jonah's family but he's back now.

"Ashley do you think i would've cheated on Corbyn?" I just want to talk to him, but i can't. He's in Ohio and every time we talk, we argue.

"Absolutely not. We all know Christina is manipulative... it'll be okay, whenever he's back we'll get talking." She holds Apollo away from the other dogs which were barking at him.

"What should i do? Ash I'm scared i'm gonna lose him again." I pull the sleeves over my hands. I've been scared this whole time, i've told him that he said nothing. It's almost as if he doesn't care.

"His loss. He shouldn't be such a dick." She says. That's not making me feel any better.

"Hey, Ashley." A group of girls walk up to us. I take a step back, I'm not in the mood for this.

"Guys i'm busy." Ashley smiles politely.

"I thought you and Corbyn broke up." One of the girls looks me up and down. Now i really don't wanna be hearing this.

"I thought Corbyn's personal life was none of your guys business? Support his music and carry on with your own life." I blink slowly, making eye contact with them all.

"You're such a bitch, No wonder everyone hates you." Another gjrl says. I should learn to keep my mouth shut.

"Okay all of you get away from us, Now." Ashley looks at them all disgusted. Apollo starting to aggressively bark too.

"You should give up already, Corbyn will never love you the way he loved -"

"Corbyn doesn't appreciate it when you guys talk shit about Sierra He's said that numerous times. He also said if you're going to hate on her than you're not part of his fandom. Leave us alone. Corbyn picked Sierra over every single one of you countless times so fuck off." Ashley raises her voice. I- wow. I wish i could say something like that.

They all didn't know how to reply, Walking away. "Thanks. Let's go home." I can't do this anymore.


"Yeah, Corbyn's on his way back now." Jonah says, running his hand through his hair. "You two are staying here."

"Luke's too pussy to fight anyone anyways." I roll my eyes. Luke rolling his eyes at me "Violence just makes a situation worse..." Luke says calmly, "But i swear if he carries on treating Sierra like shit i will gauge his eyeballs out."

"Even his moms shook on why he's acting the way he is." Jonah says. Corbyn doesn't deserve Sierra.

The door swings open and Sierra walk in, Running past us and straight up the stairs. Ashley and Apollo running in after her.

"What happened?" I shout up, the door slams shut.

"Some girls in the car told her to... She... She needs Corbyn." Ashley grabs her phone from her pocket, Her hands shaking. Jonah takes Apollo and let's him off the leash. He starts getting to know the house.

"Told her to what?" I frown, Walking over to Ashley. Some of these fans have crazy confidence saying stuff to her face.

"Corbyn you need to get home right now." She shouts into the phone, dropping it shortly after due to her hands shaking so much.

"Woah." Jonah grabs Ashley's hands. Luke walking up the stairs to check on Sierra.

"Jonah they looked her in the eye and told her to kill herself." Ashley falls to the ground. No. That's disgusting. Wishing death upon anyone should be a crime.

"She's so upset. She ran home and i don't know what to do. Corbyn's such an ass." She brings her knees to her chest, rocking back and fourth slowly.

There was a tussle upstairs and a second later, a door slammed shut.

"Louie." Luke shouts, his voice low.

I run up the stairs, He was trying to get into the bathroom. "Sierra open the door." He pushes his body in the door. I noticed a pill box laying just outside of the bathroom floor. Oh no no no. No.

"Key... Key where's the key?" I try and remember where the key is always kept.

"We don't have time for that." He takes a step backs. He kicks the door open, The door swung open to Sierra laying against the bathtub with two empty pill boxes. Her eyes slowly closing over.

"Oh my God." I rush in. I don't need her leaving me the way Rueben did. How am i supposed to react to this? What am i supposed to do?

"Move bro." Luke sits her up. "Call an ambulance." He holds her back, White foam coming from her mouth. No why would she do that?

Ashley left the bathroom and Jonah came straight to the floor. It's hurting me seeing her like this. I couldn't even hide the fact i was uncontrollably crying anymore.

"Get towels and water." Luke's a doctor, that just hit me. Thank the heavens.

"Fix it." I cry. I don't need to lose her. I can't.

He leans her forward and opens her mouth, putting his fingers down her throat. He's making her throw everything up. She gags and throws up, over his hand. He didn't even care.

We all just need her to be okay.

She coughs a little and the sirens were soon to be heard. He makes her throw up again "Let it all out." He rubs her back.

I grab my phone and call my dad. It went to voicemail. He never answers his phone and it's night time in Italy too.

"What happened?" A paramedic runs in, Pushing me out of the way gently. Two other paramedics were treating her.

"Took it she overdosed, I did the basic procedures." Luke breaths heavily, Wiping his hand on the towel. She looked so lifeless while the paramedics were putting her on a board.

"Come down to the hospital." He nods. They carry her down the stairs. Sierra trying to get off the board.

"Get Corbyn here, Now." He says, Jaw clenched to Ashley before walking down the stairs after them.



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