Chapter Five

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The Powerful and Powerless 5

"How did that happen? And why so fast?" Dan asked, glancing at Phil. "His eyes lost their power." PJ explained running his hands through his hair. "I didn't do that? Drain his powers I mean?" Dan covered his face with his hands. "No you didn't. It's got to be like a bad reaction?" PJ panicked "I'll call Chris" he pulled out his phone going to pull up Chris's contact. "Chris we need you at Dan's house now" PJ spoke his voice stone cold serious. "On my way" Chris responded "not in your car. Teleport here." PJ grimaced. "Okay be there in a minute" Chris sighed hanging up. Dan and PJ stood silent until Chris teleported over to them. "What is it?" Chris asked "quiet!" Dan hissed "Phil lost his sight out of nowhere?" PJ explained lowly. "He said he sees darkness" Dan told Chris as he frowned. "I'm afraid this isn't just a symptom gone wrong. Phil may be permanently blind" Chris warned before PJ and Dan lost their breath struggling to breath. "This couldn't be happening? H-how?" Dan asked as he looked back at Phil. Chris sighed before he spoke a grimace never leaving his face. "Phil has been having issues seeing for years he just hid it well… until today I guess." Chris looked down at his feet. "We have to help him!" Dan burst the silence, he ran for one of the first times in his life. "Phil, can you hear me?" Dan asked, holding Phil's arm. Phil let out a small yes. "Come on it's okay! No need to panic you'll see again!" Dan cried out. "Dan it's no use. I already knew this was going to happen. The eyes I got weren't going to last forever." Dan stood shocked "so you're going to give up the ability to see! Phil why didn't you say anything?" Dan asked as tears welled up in his eyes. "Please be okay" Dan closed his eyes as his emotions shattered. PJ and Chris frowned as they watched Dan try to help Phil. Their eyes widened when they saw Dan glow a golden yellow. "Chris what is he doing?" PJ asked, glancing at the older boy. "He's attempting to heal Phil. That is one of his many powers." Chris spoke, keeping his eyes on Dan and Phil. "Can he heal Phil like that?" PJ asked "sadly, I don't know" Chris shrugged glum. "Dan is that you?" Phil asked as he turned towards Dan. "Yes. What is it Phil? Can you see me?" Dan asked, opening his eyes. "No" that one word crushed Dan as he stood speechless not knowing what to say. "I'm sorry I couldn't help," he whispered. Dan straightened up and shook his head unsatisfied with the situation "no, I want to help you see" Dan cried as he tightened the grip on Phil's arm. He began to glow à golden color again "Dan. Stop. It won't work." Phil yelped out trying to remove Dan. "Dan!" PJ and Chris shouted, running to pry him off of Phil. "Dan!" PJ snapped "you need to accept that Phil can't see." Dan nodded before he rolled his eyes "well of course PJ anything for you" Dan huffed pushing the boys away. "Just stop" Chris spoke this time "you need to give Phil time to adjust Dan" Chris warned "or what?" Dan spat as thunder roared outside. PJ looked at Chris "he just got another power" PJ mouthed looking towards Dan. "Weather controlled emotions" Chris nodded "Dan. Calm down you're making it storm." Chris spoke solemnly as he lightly grabbed Dan and pulled him from Phil. "I have the power to control the weather!" Dan beamed "that's so cool!" Dan smiled making Phil gasp. "Guys!" He shouted breaking the silence "I can see again!" PJ's jaw dropped along with Dan's. "But, you couldn't see a minute ago?" PJ rushed over to Phil "he blacked out." Chris responded "when he thinks too much his thoughts get all crazy and his eyes panic and first make things fuzzy then he blacks out." Dan nodded "Phil! I'm so glad you're okay!" Dan threw his arms around Phil. "Me too, turns out I was just stressed" he reassured everyone. 

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