There were some Maids in the room, already having done the bed and laying out the beautiful Kimono that probably costed more than Sakura's whole six months payment combined.

Yeah, not many people knew, but Akinori was Spender with the capital 'S'. Give him a opportunity and he could waste all the Money he had.

He could make even the most proficient Gambler cry with the rivers of tears without even trying and the fun fact?

His money never got any less even thought it was constantly wasted.

Akinori sat her down on the bed and let the maids to doll her up as he got dressed himself in his usual clothes.

Sakura's hair like before was left to him as he took his niece again and placed her in front of the desk with the mirror, hairbrushes and other necessaries

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Sakura's hair like before was left to him as he took his niece again and placed her in front of the desk with the mirror, hairbrushes and other necessaries.

Sakura sighed as Akinori undoes her braided hair and started to gently brush through it.

Akinori slipped his hand through the silky strands and took a moment to properly look at them.

Sakura's hair was thick, rich and silky with the unnatural length and held ethereal glow in it.

He raised an eyebrow and turned to look niece's eyes, who was almost asleep again, in the mirror.

"I didn't knew that the Villages allowed their Kunoichi to keep the hair this long. Especially the fresh ones"

Not that he was complaining. Their Pink hair always had been the pride of the Azai Women and Men and he felt his pride to ruffle up a little.

Thought, he also felt a need to eviscerate whoever touched his precious Niece, Hair or not.

So immersed in his inner line of thinking, he almost didn't notice when he almost severed whole bunch of Sakura's hair and let out inner sigh of relief as when he stopped himself just in time.

Thanksfully Sakura didn't notice anything.

Sakura sighed and he could feel the annoyance in it.

"they don't. Until a week ago it was only down to my middle back, but Mama Ya decided that it was a - sorry for my language Oji-sama - Bullshit and regrew my hair before I could protest it"

"Mama Ya?"

There was a pause and Sakura then silently cursed under her breath.


Akinori asked somewhat worried and Sakura let out the smile that was more of a grimace.

"Outsutsuki Kaguya-Hime"

Akinori stiffened for the passing second before demanding.


And she did.

Fate: Sakura Book Of Zero (Adopted) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin