Hip Hop Pride - Vernon

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"This is really good," you said as you took another experimental bite. Mingyu smiled at the compliment.

"Thanks, but I haven't even added the spices yet. Just wait until it's done."

You watched as Mingyu continued to stir the pot in front of him, carefully adding a few different spices and flavorings to it.

"And then you let it simmer. I recommend putting the lid on it to let the air circulate in there, but you can leave it off if you want to keep a closer eye on it."

Vernon had already tried to wander in to the kitchen to see what you two were up to, but every time he tried, you shooed him away. You wouldn't let him taste the food or hang out in the kitchen with you.

It was suspicious, to say the least. He might not know a lot about cooking but there was a lot of laughing going on in there. And he definitely heard his name come up a few times.

Mingyu turned the heat down to let the meat simmer. "And now you just wait until it's tender. When it's done, you scoop it out and add a topping, easy."

"Shh," you hissed. "Vernon's still out there. He might hear you."

"It's not my secret cooking lesson." Mingyu ruffled your hair. "Don't worry about it. He's going to love this surprise."

Vernon was always spontaneous about everything, including gifts. He loved doing things for you just because, so you figured you could return the favor and surprise him by learning how to make some of his favorite food.

Mingyu was worried that if he tasted or smelled it, he'd figure out what you were up to so you were doing your best to run him out of the kitchen whenever he poked his head in. It had been a while since his last attempt so you figured he'd given up for now.

Meanwhile, Vernon was busy consulting Joshua on your behavior. On what he deemed "suspicious behavior" with one of his friends.

"I'm sure you have nothing to worry about," he said. "They care about you too much to sneak around like that." Vernon glanced towards the kitchen again.

Maybe it was nothing. But there was only one way to find out.

You were still about ten minutes away from the food being done. Vernon would be over in thirty minutes.

You had left your apartment to check on the mailbox in your building and when you came back, he was standing outside your door.

"Vernon? What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd come early. Is...that okay?"

You sighed heavily. "Sure, I guess I can't let you stand out here."

Vernon frowned at your response but quickly changed his tune when he smelled what you were cooking. "Did you make kimchi?"

"Yeah. To go with the bibimbap. That's what Mingyu was teaching me the other day."

"You cooked this all for me?" 

You raised an eyebrow. "It was supposed to be a surprise."

"Sorry...I was just worried. You and Mingyu were acting weird--"

"Because kimchi smells strong!" you exclaimed with a laugh.

He smiled. "I bet it tastes good too. Am I allowed to taste this one?"

"Yes, you can. As long as you stop being jealous."


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