Lost & Found

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(A/N: Anything that you lose, shows up near your soulmate for them to find. Keys, money, old pictures, anything is fair game, as long as it doesn't directly reveal something about them. The only way to get the items back is for the other half of the pair to lose it as well.)

It had taken Jeonghan a long time to figure out what his soul mark was. He didn't have anything physical that gave it away like a timer or a tattoo. His hair and eyes had always been the same, and he never saw anyone he didn't already know in the dreams he remembered. 

He'd done some digging and discovered that there was a "lost things" soulmate mark, that made his lost items appear near his soulmate. In order to get them back, they would have to lose them again.

There was a moment where he'd almost written the idea off as being too crazy, but he remembered several times as a kid when he'd found drawings that weren't his or stray toys that he didn't remember receiving. More recently he'd found a key ring that he'd put away in a drawer and never found again.

So maybe....this was his mark after all.

And in his usual Jeonghan way, he decided that he would make a game out of it. He'd been given a perfect opportunity to send you some breadcrumbs about him to help you find him. So he lost several things on purpose - a hat from his old high school, one of those security lanyards so you'd know he was important, even a couple of photocards here and there.

It took a few months of doing this before realizing that you weren't playing the same game. The stuff he was finding were ordinary things - loose change, bookmarks, scrap paper where you'd written notes that he couldn't decipher. He'd once found a mask, but that hadn't been any sort of clue, you'd probably honestly misplaced it.

The thought kind of disappointed him. He thought if you were both smart about it, you'd find each other right away. But maybe he really couldn't force anything. He'd just have to wait for you to find each other the organic way.

After all, if there was one thing Jeonghan was good at, it was waiting. He was very patient.

When the third coffee card appeared near you, you barely even acknowledged it. You knew it wasn't yours, so you tossed it into the box of lost things.

Your soulmate either had way too much stuff, or they were just a scatterbrain. Or maybe they didn't realize where all their stuff was going? 

It was honestly starting to get on your nerves. They had started out sending you clues about them, but with just some vague information, you weren't able to find out anything. Did you know what school they went to? Sure, but how were you supposed to even find them without access to the school registry? You didn't even know what class they were in. 

The lanyard told you nothing. Did they work in events or venues? Were they a VIP to a show? Were they part of the show? There were too many possibilities to narrow it down.

Their coffee cards were a long line in the list of things that they'd lost that didn't mean anything. Except they drank a lot of coffee to keep going back for more cards.

And then you found something you weren't expecting.

A phone.

Definitely not your own. Someone else's phone sitting nearby.

You weren't able to open it since it was locked, but you did something even better.

"Dino, have you seen my phone?"

Dino glanced up from the food he was finishing. "No. Where was the last place you saw it?"

"I thought it was here on the table." Jeonghan ran a hand through his hair. "Maybe I left it in the bathroom?" He left to go check there again.

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