Dancing Disruptions - Hoshi

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Hoshi was working on sharpening his turns for some of the new choreography. He'd gotten there early to get some extra practice and make sure that he was in top shape.

Dino was across the room doing some stretching. Jun and The8 were chatting quietly waiting to start the practice. Hoshi was just about to finish up when he saw movement in the mirror's reflection. You'd just walked in the door.

He turned so sharply he nearly lost his footing. "(Y/N)?"

"Hey. Hope I'm not interrupting."

"No, of course not." He cleared his throat, dragging you a little farther away from the eavesdroppers around you. "Did you need something?"

"You told me that I should come watch you practice sometime, remember?"

"Right," he said with a nod. That did sound like something he'd say.

"So...here I am. Unless this is a bad time?"

Hoshi smiled softly. Even it was, there was no way he was passing up this opportunity to let you watch him in his element.

"All right boys, (Y/N) is going to be sitting in today so act like this is a performance." The others shrugged or nodded their understanding.

They got into position and waited for the music cue.

247 was their warm-up dance to get them in the right headspace. You weren't sure exactly why this song did that above others, but they definitely looked great. They were incredibly in sync. Their movements flowed perfectly from one member to another, making it hard to watch just one.

But despite that, Hoshi made sure that you had every reason to keep your gaze solely fixed on him. When his part came up, he sang it directly to you. He performed every move effortlessly, keeping his body in complete control as well as his facial expressions. It was mesmerizing.

You obviously knew he was an amazing dancer but didn't realize that he went all out for practices too. Until the moment he came too far away from the others' formation just to dance in front of you and you realized he was showboating for your benefit.

Jun quickly pulled him back into place when the opportunity came and you stifled a laugh. He didn't seem embarrassed at all since he kept it up for the rest of the song.

"So?" he asked you later. "What did you think?"

"Very good. I would have paid a little more attention to the formations, but--"

He pouted. "Hey, I'm the leader. I can change them if I want to. Besides, my dancing is what's important. You liked it, right?"

"I always like your dancing, Hoshi. If you're that focused, maybe I should come by more often."

"I'd love that." He glanced behind him and lowered his voice, "And having a live audience is good for keeping them on task."

"Hey! Who spent half an hour last time practicing his cheers?" The8 pointed out.

Hoshi shot him a look, which his three members easily returned tenfold. "I was cheering for you so you'd push through the last songs."

You laughed. Hoshi really was passionate in everything he did, both on and off the stage.

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