Woozi - Talent Talk

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You listened as Woozi finished playing the song, letting his hands rest against the ivory keys as the final note slowly faded out. He'd been entertaining you for several minutes by showing you what he knew on the piano, including Seventeen's songs, other artists' music and the ever famous Chopsticks.

Piano wasn't the only instrument he could play, but it was the one that you could coax out of him on this occasion. You loved watching him do this since he made it look so easy. It was equally as easy to be jealous of your talented boyfriend since he seemed not to notice himself.

"I wish I had a talent like this," you mused quietly.

"Like what?" he replied as he started absently pressing the keys to another tune. "An instrument?"

"Not exactly. An "entertaining" talent, I guess. Singing, dancing, rapping, instruments, imitations. You're all just really talented in general."

Woozi glanced at you in confusion. "You can show them off anytime on interviews and off stage. And they work with your careers. You're constantly improving them as you become better idols to show versatility."

"Most of them developed because of training," he pointed out as he turned around on the bench to carry on the conversation. "Some of it's natural...like Dokyeom's seal impression. That's all him. But Seungkwan's show timing, The8's b-boying, Joshua playing the guitar or me the piano, those are things that you have to study and practice to be able to show."

"And what about your composing?" you asked.

He chuckled dryly. "Honestly, I'd call that a cursed talent. It's nice but I have to work a lot on it. It's a pretty big responsibility to have to write the songs that we perform."

Most people called Woozi a composing machine. Seventeen was known as a self-sufficient group, and a lot of that had to do with Woozi writing the lyrics for or composing a good deal of their songs. The rumor was that he could write one in only a few days if he was inspired enough, but you figured that was probably a slight exaggeration.

And what he was saying was true. Talents could come with a lot of burden, especially in a case like his. But that didn't make you any less envious. So that's what you told him.

He shook his head. "You want that seal impression, take it. Or Dino's actor impressions. We'll give them to you whole-heartedly. Show them to anyone you want."

"No, I can't bear to take those away from you," you teased. 

"All I'm saying," he continued, "is that talent isn't everything. A natural has some talent but if they don't work at it or try to improve it, they won't make it very far."

"And all I'm saying is that you ended up with a lot of career-specific talents and you make them all look easy."

"It's not. Everything I do is hard work."

"Believe me, I know. Seungcheol won't stop complaining about how hard you work. He says you make him look like a bad leader."

He grinned back at you before his gaze softened. "Besides, these aren't the only talents that matter. Maybe you're not gifted in rapping or playing something, but you have a lot of other talents, (Y/N)."

"They're not exactly career-specific."

"No," he agreed, "but that doesn't mean anything. A talent should be something that you enjoy doing so that you'll want to practice it and get better at it. If you had a talent you didn't like, it would be kind of pointless."

"And what exactly do you think my talents are, Woozi?"

"You get along well with others."

"That's not a talent, that's a trait," you argued as you shoved his shoulder. 

"I disagree. Being able to get along with thirteen very different members seems like a unique talent. Especially since you hang out with me the most."

You rolled your eyes. "Still not a talent."

"Fine, then. You have endless patience even though I know I annoy you to no end. You're creative and smart and you have a sarcastic answer for everything. And some of that isn't talent," he added as he saw you about to protest, "but it makes up who you are. And you don't need some fancy party tricks to add anything to that."

You pursed your lips, considering the point he was trying to make. Maybe you just romanticized the idea of having another talent so that you could show it off and impress people.

There was really nothing wrong with that, but you had to admit that pursuing a talent you didn't really need just for a "wow" factor or to impress people was pretty shallow.

"Maybe you're right," you conceded. He smiled, squeezing your hand.

"If you want to try piano, I can teach you. But--"

"It's a lot of work," you interrupted. "I'll think about it before I waste your time on it."

"You're never wasting my time," he assured you.

"Good, sometimes I can't tell."

The two of you went back to what you were doing, letting the conversation fall to the back burner. You'd all but forgotten about it by the time you left, but Woozi suddenly stood up as you were getting ready to leave.



"You have another talent I didn't mention." 

Before you could ask him what it was, he quickly leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours. You immediately reciprocated the gesture before he pulled away.

"You're a really good kisser. And you make me want to rest more and take better care of myself. But I don't want you sharing that with anyone else, okay?"

Woozi was never this daring or upfront about his feelings with you. You were pleasantly surprised he thought that way about you. You smiled and he returned it easily.

"Will you do aegyo for me if I kiss you again?"

He sighed heavily. "I walked right into that one, didn't I?"

"Don't worry. I won't ask you to do that," you assured him as you walked out the door. "Yet."

You might not have any of the "entertaining" talents you were looking for, but you definitely had Lee Jihoon eating out of the palm of your hand. And that was something impressive by itself.

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