Lucky Stars

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(A/N: Soulmates have different versions of the same tattoo, like two puzzle pieces. They're meant to be a pair when put together.)

Dino was born with the outline of a star on his mid-back. It wasn't colored or filled in, just a simple outline. 

Since it was on his back, there were times that he would forget that it was there. But every now and then, he would catch his reflection when changing his clothes or one of the members would glance at it and he'd remember.

When he was younger, his parents would say that it meant he was born to be a star. Dino didn't know if he believed that. It was a nice thought for sure, but he would much rather be a star alongside Seventeen than be his own.

He did push himself to do as much as he could - dancing, singing, acting, comedy. But he wanted to become a star on his own, not because of a tattoo.

It was lucky in some ways that it was placed where it was, since he didn't have to worry about a fan accidentally seeing it. But it also made him wonder - how was he meant to find his soulmate's matching tattoo? It was true that they weren't always in the same place on the same pair, but would he know it when he saw it?

What could be the match to his star?

Was it a moon? Or clouds? Was theirs colored in or plain like his?

He wasn't sure, and he tried his best not to dwell on it. He figured that he'd just have to recognize it when he saw it. And in the meantime, he'd meet as many people as possible and rule them out as potential soulmates where he could.

Around that time, he'd also noticed several new faces among their staff and crew. Going Seventeen was getting a bigger following and they were expanding their resources. This included some new sound editors and mic assistants, some of whom were assigned to specific members.

They'd had a brief meet and greet with the staff to get to know one another a bit better. Dino was chatting with Joshua and a senior member of the crew when you walked over to get Joshua's attention.

He took one look at you and saw stars.


Two small black stars were peeking out from the collar of your shirt. You were too busy speaking to Joshua to notice. You were telling him that you were going to be one of his mic assistants. 

Dino waited impatiently for you to stop talking so he could interrupt.

"Excuse me," he said when there was an opening. 

"Oh, hello. I'm excited to be working with you." You gave a small bow and he hesitated. If you were his soulmate and you worked with them, it might make things complicated.

"Dino?" Joshua said softly.

He realized that he'd been staring. He quickly cleared his throat. " your tattoo," he said before he could stop himself.

You thanked him and excused yourself to find Mingyu, the other member you'd be working closely with. Dino tried to focus on the conversation that they'd been having, but his mind kept drifting.

He'd only had a brief glance at the tattoo. He must have been mistaken. He was just jumping to conclusions because he'd rarely seen any other star tattoos. 

But even though he tried to get you out of his head, you worked together and it was nearly impossible. When they were filming, he'd see you helping Joshua and Mingyu with their mic packs and testing the sound quality, or exchanging notes with the other sound editors about where to make cuts.

If you ever so much as glanced in his direction, he quickly averted his gaze so you wouldn't know he was staring. 

He knew that he could ask. But if he really was wrong and your tattoos were only the same shape, it might make things awkward. And if he was right, would you even be allowed to stay with the company? He didn't want to lose you after he'd found you. 

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