16| To The Ministry

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16. To The Ministry

 To The Ministry

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I WAS in the middle of my Charms Theory OWL when I heard a faint explosion. I noticed some look around confused but returned to their test when was they couldn't find the cause of the commotion. I, however, was smirking down at my paper as I knew what...more like whom was the cause of the commotion. A moment later, there was another explosion but this time, it was louder. Everyone stopped their work and looked around as Umbridge walked towards the closed doors. She threw open the doors and looked around for the source of the banging. A firework buzzed around her nose before whizzing past her and into the hall and exploding into bright blue sparks. Umbridge looked down the hallway in confusion before the Twins appeared flying on their brooms. As they threw fireworks into the air and they exploded into bright sparks, papers began to fly through the air. I caught George's eye who gave me a large grin and winked, causing me to laugh and shake my head.

Everyone gasped when the twins set off a firework which formed into a large dragon. The dragon began to chase Umbridge causing everyone to laugh and cheer even louder when it chased her out of the hall and close its mouth around her before exploding, destroying all of her Inquisitorial Orders.

Everyone followed the twins out to the courtyard and continued cheering. George flew past me and grabbed my face. I gasped in surprise as he pulled me into a kiss, and I could hear catcalls echoing through the cheers. He pulled away and winked again before flying away. I clapped alongside everyone else while trying to calm the heat in my cheeks. More fireworks were set off and the sparks formed into a 'W'.

However, my celebration was cut short as I turned around and my eyes widened to see Harry on the ground. I rushed over to him and knelt down in front of him. "Harry!" I cried out when I noticed he was breathing heavily.

I continued crying out his name until his eyes finally forced on me and he gasped; "Sirius."

Harry's voice caused shivers to travel down my spine. I picked him off the ground and grabbed Hermione and Ron. Harry led us back through the castle as he explained what he had seen.

"Harry, are you sure?" Hermione asked as we rushed up the changing staircase.

"I saw it. It's just like with Mr Weasley. It's the door I've been dreaming about. I couldn't remember where I'd seen it before. Sirius said Voldemort was after something. Something he didn't have the last time, in the Department of Mysteries," Harry explained again.

"Harry, please, just listen," Hermione's voice caused us all to stop; "What if Voldemort meant for you to see this? What if he's only hurting Sirius because he's trying to get to you?"

"What if he is? I'm supposed to just let him die? Hermione, Sirius and Emilia are the only family I've got left," Harry said, looking down at me when he said I was family.

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