01| Prologue

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1. Prologue


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A TEENAGED girl walked inside the house with a large, black-furred dog walking beside her. When she closed the door, the dog grabbed a black, long coat from the coat rack beside the door and pulled it down. Suddenly, its fur disappeared and skin appeared in its place. The now human figure stood up straight with the coat wrapped around their shoulders. The figure was an older gentleman, in his mid to late thirties, with long, black hair which contrasted with his striking grey eyes. He was tall; taller than the teenager standing by the door; with an unshaven face and black tattoos that stood against his pale skin.

A smile formed on his lips as his grey eyes locked with the dark eyes belonging to the teenager. She was an incredibly gorgeous young girl of Hispanic descent with long, ink-black hair that ended at her waist, and dark brown-gold flecked eyes that could be mistaken for black which complimented her olive skin. A silver frame bounded square ruby necklace was around her neck. On her right wrist was a bracelet that winds up and around her wrist with a lion's head laying on the centre of the back of her hand. It looked like a lion was wrapping itself around her wrist. Both the man and the teenager had some similar features which gave the impression that the man was her father.

The teenager's eyebrow frowned when she felt something was wrong in the air in the house. The man noticed the teenager's expression and grew concern. "What's wrong, Emilia?" he asked her; gripping her upper arm tightly.

She held a finger to her lips before pointing towards the stairs. Her silence made the man know that something was wrong. He let go of her arm and watched as her bracelet suddenly became alive as it slid off her wrist and transformed into a whip. She whipped it out to her side causing it to straighten and began a staff with a lion's head on the end.

The man reached into a pocket inside the coat to produce a wooden stick and held out in front of him. Together, they slowly crept up the stairs without not making any squeal or creek. When Emilia reached the top of the stairs, her face went white when her dark eyes locked on a metal sword that had black marks engrave in the metal. The sword was stained with blood. The man and Emilia made eye contact with each other before following the blood trail leading away from the sword. Her skin turned white from her tight grip on her staff as she followed the trail to a closed door which she used her hand to lightly push it open. A loud scream rang through the silent air as her hand slapped over her mouth in shock. The man rushed toward Emilia and look into the room to see what made her scream.

On the floor laid a beautiful older woman with black marks, that were the same as the ones on the sword laying outside the room, inked over her exposed skin. Her dark eyes were open and lifeless as she laid in a pool of her own blood. Blood stained her throat and dripped onto the hardwood floors. Beside her open hand was a blood-stained dagger but Emilia knew that it didn't belong to the woman. It looked like the woman took her own life but Emilia and the man knew that was false.

Not caring about the blood, Emilia crawled over to the woman and moved her head to rest in the teenager's lap. She felt how cold and stiff the woman was and how her once olive skin now a deathly pale as tears streamed down Emilia's face and fell on the woman's face. The man knelt down beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She buried her face into his chest as she began to sob. Tears streamed down the man's face as he tried to comfort the mourning teenager...but how could he when he was also mourning?


"Those remaining with take their place with the fallen," a man wearing a white suit spoke to those also wearing white that surrounded him.

Emilia and her father walked in front of the crowd, both also wearing white, and stood beside a body covered by a white sheet with flower petals laid over the sheet. The two gripped each other's hands tightly as Emilia's looked down at the body and placed a hand on its shoulders. The white dress she wore exposed black markings over her olive skin that were present on the others in the room except for her father.

"Those remaining will say the name of the fallen," the man spoke again as Emilia felt unable to stop her tears.

"Gab..." Emilia felt her throat close as she stared out at the others.

She then looked down at the body and sobbed as she fell into her father's arms; "Mum."

He wrapped his arms tightly around her as he pulled a brave face for his sobbing daughter. "Gabriella Black," his voice was strong as he spoke his wife's name with silent tears running down his face.

"Pulvis et umbra sumus. For we are dust and shadows. Ave atque vale. Hail and farewell," the others spoke in unison as the father and daughter walked back into the group.

A robe-wearing man whose mouth was stitched closed glided over to the body and pointed a glowing metal stick to its forehead before standing away and spread their arms out like their arms were wings. A gold mist drifted up from the body and up to the air as the body disappeared with it. Emilia continued to sob as she watched her mother's body disappear.

"I love you, Emilia," she could hear my mother's voice in her head as she felt sobs racked her body.

"Protect our daughter, Sirius," Gabriella's voice echoed through his head as he tightened his grip on his daughter's shoulders.

"I will," he responded back; placing a kiss on the top of Emilia's head.

Those surrounding them stared at Emilia with pity but gave Sirius a look like he didn't have the right to attend his own wife's funeral. All because he wasn't a Protector like his wife and daughter. 


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