When he asks you out! you're P.O.V

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~Eyeless Jack~
                       You had had a long, stressful day at work. You just wanted to get home, lay on the couch, and eat come lays potato chips.
                        The second you got into the house you kicked your heels off, letting them fly off each into separate directions. (To which you will then have to suffer your decision in the morning when you can't find them.) You threw your bag off to the side as well, and trudded into the kitchen.
                        Jack was in there, folding some blankets that sat in a light pink basket. "Oh boy, rough day at work?" He asks. You only groan and fall into a table chair, letting your face hit the surface. "I'll take that as a yes." He says, and with that concluded he went back to quitely folding blankets.
                      After a few seconds had passed he suddenly spoke up. "So, (Y/N). I don't believe we've fully discussed this topic yet, but are you by any chance seeing any one?" He asks. You move your face up a bit so you could answer. "No." He nodded.
                    "I see. Another thing." He says, as he paused his chore. "What would that be?" You ask. "Would you happen to be interested in dating me?" The question caught you off guard. You blushed gently and glanced down at the table top. "Yees." You say in a childish tone.
                       He came over, and hugged a blanket around you, moving his mask and kissing the top of your head. "Well, then, welcome home sweetheart." He says, and you could hear the grin in his tone as you hid your red face in the blanket.

                      You and Masky were currently at a bake shop. Surprisingly this was your idea to do.
                      You wanted to come here for some ice cream. They had real kick ass ice cream.
                      You sat and stared hungrily at all the different kinds. They had the classics, Strawberry, vanilla, cookie dough, stuff like that. They also had fun ones too, like smores, Reese's cups, mint chocolate shamrock, lavender, rose, coconut, and even blueberry. You could even mix flavors if you wanted.
                    Masky chuckled at you as you squished your face up to the glass. He thought it was cute, you looked like a puppy.
                   "Dear God, they all look so good. Which one are you going to get?" You ask, looking up at him. "Probably the shamrock one. You?" He asked, looking down at you.
                     Sense you two were out in public he didn't have his mask on. He was so handsome, you could hardly believe he kept THAT face hidden behind a mask like that.
                     After you stared at him, you looked back down, blushing slightly as you made your decision. "I'll get (C/F)." (For the sake of the story line, don't choose the same one Masky has, danke).
                   "Alrighty." He says, stepping up to the line and ordering for you both. Once the ice cream was out, you both stepped outside to eat it.
                   Masky sat and watched as you ate yours, leaning against the window of the store as he ate his.
                   A few seconds later he held his out to you. You looked up at him, raising a brow. "Wanna try it?" He asks you. You tilt your head. Unsure how to make this less weird you held yours out. "Only if you try mine too." He shrugged. "Sure." He says.
                   You both held your ice creams out to eachother. You blushed heavily at how close this brought your faces. Your arms even locked up by accident. You two looked like a love sick couple at a bystanders point of view.
                   Suddenly an old couple walked by. "Bart, look at that." The old women says, voice old and wise. "What? Oh, look at that couple. How cute. Did you see it, Mary?" The old lady began to protest as Masky moved to hold the door open for them.
                   Your face was bright fuckin red. You couldn't believe that just happened. "So, (Y/N), wanna make it official?" He teased, as he ate his own ice cream now.
                    "O-only if you'd like..." You say, and Masky choked on his ice cream, eyes wide. "Wait, I was joking!" He says. You jolt, kinda feeling hurt, as a blush of embarrassment and disappointment grew across your face. "I-I knew that..." You mumbled sadly.
                    Masky sighed and slide next to you, shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip. "Nah, I kinda like the sound of making it official. Let's do that." He says, going back to eating his own ice cream. "O-oh..." You say, looking down and blushing. "Yeah, I like the sound of that too." You say, and you both finish your ice cream in peace.

                    It became a normal routine. You'd go out super late at night to see Hoodie, fall asleep in the middle of chatting, then wake up at home, assuming it was all a dream.
                  However whenever you asked him, he'd assure you that it wasn't a dream, and that he was totally real.
                  You still thought it was a dream though, and you told him, "that's exactly what a dream boy would say," and, of course, that caught Hoodie off guard.
                  "D-dream boy?" He stuttered, copying your words. "Yeah, well, duh, your cute as hell, and you seem to care about me a lot which is new." You shrug. "If you were real I'd totally date you."
         Hoodie .exe does not compute
                     Hoodie got thrown into a stuttering and blushing mess. He didn't exactly know how to take any of that.
                    After that night you just went back to the same shit you do everyday.
                    You were watching TV, when suddenly your door got knocked on. You groan and get up, coming over sluggishly and opening the door. You froze, and pursed your lips.
                    It was Hoodie. Out DURNING the DAY! Which means...he was totally real and you just made a fool out of your dumb ass.
                    He handed you a note, and you took it, still shocked that he was actually real. The note read,
                It's come to my attention that you seem to like me, even just a little bit. We both know I'm terrible with words, so I thought it would be okay if I wrote a note.
               These past couple weeks have been the happiest of my life. You really know how to put a smile on my face, and make me feel loved. You've also shared countless times that it's the same way for you.
               The other night you shared with me that I was a "dream boy" to you, and you then expressed you're feelings. I'd like to say, your my "dream girl," would you be interested in dating me?
                            - Hoodie
                 You were completely quiet. You looked up at Hoodie, with a soft blush across your cheeks. "Yes I'd love to date you." You say finely.
                 Hoodie enveloped you in his arms. "I'm glad you said yes." He says, as you hug him back.

~Ticci Toby~
                  It was late at night when you woke to the loud sound of pots and pans.
                  You groan, thinking it was just your mom, or your dad up and looking for a midnight snack. However, you quickly remember that they were out on a cruise, and that they weren't home.
                  Scared, you got up from your bed, slipped your (F/C) jacket on, and walked down stairs carefully.
                  When you came to the kitchen, where the noises were coming from, you were shocked to see that Toby was in there, making food. (Or TRYING to).
                    You sighed with relief and came closer. "Toby?" You call gently. He jolted and turned. "Whoops. Sorry that I woke you." He says, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well yeah, duh, why wouldn't a loud avalanche of pots and pans wake me up?"
                    You looked over his shoulder to see pancakes, muffins, bacon, and even eggs all set out neatly. A small (F/F) sat there along with them too. "Toby, what's all this?" You ask curiosity getting the better of you.
                   "Well, it was supposed to be a surprise, but I guess I kinda ruined that now. So here goes nothing. Will you maybe go out with me?" Your cheeks went hot at the question. "I even cooked to show you that I can do husband like things!" He says, carrying the energy of a puppy dog, as he grabbed your hands in his. "Well...you can say no too. Its okay to say no." He says, rather sadly. "What? No way, I'm totally saying yes!" You say, as you reach over him, hugging him. He hugged back happily.
                      (You had also stolen a piece of bacon while you two were hugging, but that's okay.)

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