Sorting Hat

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I do not own Twilight or Harry Potter.


There standing in front of me was 7 beautiful people...the Cullen's. The students around me started whispering about how beautiful they are and stuff like that all I did was stare. Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Harry, George, Fred and Neville were looking at me with eyes full of pity. I don't want there pity.

"Now time to decide what house they will be staying in," smiled Dumbledore.

"Rosalie Cullen," said Professor McGonagall.

Rosalie walked forward and sat on the stool while Professor McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat on her head.

"Slytherin," screamed the Hat. What a shocker(note the sarcasm).

"Emmett Cullen," said Professor McGonagall.

"Gryffindor," screamed the hat. Great just what I needed(again note the sarcasm).

I started to sink in my seat.

"Jasper Cullen," said Professor McGonagall.

"Ravenclaw," screamed the hat.

"Alice Cullen," said Professor McGonagall.

I couldn't even look at her she knew that Edward was cheating on me, she must of since she can see the future.

"Gryffindor," screamed the hat. Kill me now!

"Edward Cullen," said Professor McGonagall.

Edward walked forward.....god I missed him so much! NO! What am I thinking he hurt me...they all did.

"Gryffindor," screamed the hat.

I couldn't handle it anymore, I jumped out of my seat and ran for the door. I could hear my friends calling for me and feel everyone staring at me but I don't care....I need to get out of there.

I ran as far away as I could not even knowing where I was headed. I tripped over my own feet and was about to fall face forward but luckily my hands broke my fall. I moved closer to the wall and broke down crying. All of the pain that I have been feeling came bursting through me. I didn't hear the footsteps coming near me until I heard someone call my name.

"Isabella," said a soothing voice.

I looked up and saw Cedric Diggory. I've always had a crush on him ever since the first year I arrived at Hogwarts. He is one of my best friends.

Cedric started walking closer to me so I started to wipe the tears off my face.

"Have you been crying," he asked me in a concerned tone.

"Um no I just...shouldn't be at the feast," I asked him changing the subject.

He smiled," I could ask you the same thing."

I smiled.

"Did the new students and staff arrive," asked Cedric.

"Um yeah," I replied.

"What houses are they in," he asked me.

"3 are in Gryffindor, 1 is in Ravenclaw and 1 is in Slytherin," I replied.

What about the staff what are they going to be teaching," he asked me.

"I don't know. I left before I could find out," I replied.

Cedric took a seat next to me.

"Oh and just so you know they are vampires that drink animal blood," I told him.

Isabella Lillan PotterWhere stories live. Discover now