I Love You...And I Always Will

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The whole crowd was cheering our names. Everyone at Hogwarts was overjoyed, while I stayed weeping over my love's body. No one seemed to notice until I heard someone scream, that's when Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall, and other teachers rushed over to Cedric and me.

"Oh my god," I heard one teacher say.

I suddenly felt a hand go on my shoulder. Dumbledore.

"He's back. Voldemort is back. Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't help him, there was nothing I could do," I sobbed.

"It's okay, you're both back," said Dumbledore.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY," shouted someone.

A man ran down next to Cedric.

"THAT'S MY SON! THAT'S MY BOY!" yelled Mr. Diggory.

Professor Moody kept trying to pull me off of Cedric.

"NO! LET ME GO! LET ME GO! CEDRIC PLEASE WAKE UP! NO, LET ME GO!" I screamed, tears going down my face.





I turn to see Hermione looking at me.

"You okay?" she asked.

"No...I don't think I'll ever be," I responded and continued putting on my earrings.

"You sure you can do this?" asked Hermione.

"I have to, I have no choice," I responded sadly.

Today is possibly the worse day of my life...today is Cedric's funeral and I am supposed to present my eulogy. It took me all night to write it. I couldn't find the right words to say.

A tear slips from my eye.

"Let's go," I say.

*At the funeral home*

"Cedric may be gone. but he will never be forgotten," said Dumbledore.

Everyone took a moment of silence in honor of Cedric.

"We would now like to welcome up Isabella Potter," said Dumbledore.

I stood up from my seat and walked over to the podium.

I took a deep breath and began.

"Hello, I remember the first time I met Cedric, it was my very first Quidditch practice. I got knocked off my broom and was falling from 50 feet in the air. I was about to hit the ground when Cedric swooped in and saved me. From that moment on I fell for him. We became friends, then best friends, and then finally we became soulmates. I can't help but stare at the line between the year Cedric was born and the year that Cedric died. That's all he gets, 17 years is not enough. I should have died...not him. He didn't deserve this. How can I move on? I loved him so much, it hurts to breathe knowing that I won't see him for as long as I live. I spent all night trying to write this, trying to find the right words...but how do you say goodbye to someone that you weren't ready to say goodbye to? So, instead of saying "goodbye" I will say "see you later." Being separated won't last forever, I may not be able to see him again in this life, but I will see him again in the next. I love you Cedric, more than life itself. See you later."

I went back to my seat and broke down.

*End of the funeral*

I sat sobbing at Cedric's grave, crying out all of the pain, sorrow, and loneliness that I was feeling at that moment.

"Bella, are you ready to go?" asked Harry.

"Yeah, let's go," I responded.

I love you Cedric...and I always will.

TADA! So, this is the final chapter of the story Isabella Lillian Potter! I hoped you enjoyed this story! Make sure to leave a review!

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