Task 2

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Bella Prov

I woke up to the sound of nails on a chalkboard. I get up from my bed and open the window. A gray owl flies in and drops a letter. I give it a treat and it flies away. I open the letter which reads...

Be careful ~Padfoot

"Be careful," I read confused.

And then I remember that the second task was today. I began to feel panicked. On cue Alice comes rushing in with a glass of water.

"Here Bella, drink this," she said, handing me the glass of water.

I pushed it away.

"I don't need it," I snapped at her.

"Bella, drink the damn water," she snapped.

"Ugh," I grabbed the water from Alice and drained it.

"Dumbledore told me to tell you to be down by the Lake in 20 minutes," said Alice.

"Ok," I replied, getting up to change.

*Down by the lake*

I walked over to Neville who was standing by a tree.

"Do you have it," I asked him. (OMG this sounds like a drug deal)

"Here," said Neville who handed me a handful of slimy looking weeds.

"And this will allow me to breathe underwater for 1 hour," I asked him.

"Maybe...," replied Neville weakly.

"Maybe," I snapped at him.

"I'm sorry! I just want to help," he replied.

Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me to the lake. Next to me were me competitors.

"Good luck," smiled Cedric.

"You too," I replied.

"ON YOUR MARK," shouted Dumbledore.

I shoved the slimy weeds in my mouth and swallowed.

"GET SET," shouted Dumbledore.

The sides of my neck began to itch.

"GO," shouted Dumbledore.

All of the competitors jumped into the water while I fell in.

The second I hit the water I couldn't breathe. My neck began to itch furiously, my feet and hands ached, and I couldn't feel my toes. After what seemed like forever I began to breathe. My hands and feet were webbed and on the sides of my neck were gills. Focusing on my task I swam as fast as I could down. After swimming for 20 minutes I began to here soft voices sing. I followed the voices and found Harry, Hermione, Cho Chang, and a small girl tied up. I immediately swam up to my brother and cut him free. I then tried to cut Hermione free, but a mermaid swam up and poked me with her weapon.

"But she's my friend," I argued.

"Only one," the mermaid hissed at me.

All of a sudden a half shark, half man swam up and cut Hermione free. Next came Cedric who cut Cho free. He looked at me and pointed at his watch. We only have 10 minutes left. I was about to leave when I realized that Fleur didn't come down yet. I can't leave the child down here. I looked around at my surroundings, which was free of mermaids, and cut the child free. I grabbed her and Harry by the waist and began to swim to the surface. I was almost to the surface when I felt the air getting thinner. By now both my feet and hands were no longer webbed and I began to gasp for air. All of a sudden something grasped my leg and began to pull me down. It was a grindylow. More and more grasped on to me, I pushed Harry and the girl up to the surface and let the grindylow take me. I was about to pass out when I lifted my wand and shouted.


I shot up into the air and gasped for air. Multiple towels were wrapped around me and Harry ran over to me.

"Are you ok," asked Harry.

"Yeah," I gasped.

I saw Cedric pushing past people and wrapped his towel around me.

"For a second I was worried. When I saw that you haven't left yet I thought something went wrong," said Cedric nervously.

Dumbledore's voice blared throughout the school.

"First place goes to CEDRIC DIGGORY and second place goes to ISABELLA POTTER," shouted Dumbledore.

"Second place that's awesome," said Harry.

Yep.....2 tasks down, one more to go.

I have finally updated!!!! I know I know it took over 7 months to do it, but I FINALLY DID IT. I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!Make sure to review!

Isabella Lillan PotterWhere stories live. Discover now