Chapter 3

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The weeks went by, and Iris, Selene, and Alec found themselves on the train headed back to Hogwarts. They spent no time at all getting to their compartment where they were greeted by their friends, and after explaining that the Selene look alike was Iris, they all but tackled her.

Their reactions were priceless. Draco stared at the both of them with total confusion. Daphne didn't seem to like it too much, but she got over it.

Nico was more drawn to the tattoo's that Iris had gotten. Theo and Blaise were all up in her grill about her new style and talking about her outfit.

Selene rolled her eyes in amusement. She was wearing the same exact thing the only difference was the name on the collar.

But this was her normal attire. She could understand why they would be shocked to see Iris wearing something that Selene herself would wear. But, that was the whole point. They wanted to see how long it would take everyone to find out who was who. Or if anyone would realize it at all.

"You know, I am surprised we haven't ran into Potter." Selene commented.

Iris looked over at her and then realized that they hadn't seen him or Weasley. "Odd, maybe they decided to drive to school themselves." She says jokingly.

"Just how the hell would they do that?" Theo asked with a laugh.

"Hey, what did you do with the scar? It's like...gone." Blaise says looking her over.

"Oh, I found a way to hide it." Iris replied with a smirk. "Yeah, one of the amulets I got from Christmas had some sort of spell on it that, when I wear it, the scar is completely gone. Like it's there, just not visible." She explained.

"I just thought of a plan." Selene says leaning forward.

Iris looked over at them. "What is it?" She asked.

"Those annoying Griffins got away with stealing the house cup from Slytherin last year." Selene says flicking her hair behind her. "This's not going to happen." She added.

"How do you plan saw what Dumbledore did last year." Draco says looking at her.

"Yes, that is true...which is why Iris sent an anonymous letter to the Profit about last year. But, this year they have Lockhart teaching Defense. He is so full of himself. Which means we are not going to be learning anything at all." Selene explained.

"You said you were bringing some books or something?" Iris says looking at her.

"Yes, I brought them. I also brought something that is going to help us win that cup." Selene added.

"What? How?" Theo asked looking excited.

"What on earth could you possibly have that could get us that cup?" Daphne asked.

"Minerva absolutely loved Bella." Selene replied. "I've been working with Malfoy. He is pressuring the Governors to kick him out. That will give us time to find that document, Iris."

"What document?" Blaise asked.

"The deed to the castle." Selene replied. "We have to get that deed to Bella in order to completely get rid of Dumbledore. But we can't get it with him watching our every move!" She added. Iris watched the stunned looks cross their friends faces.

"Why haven't you said something before?!" Daphne exclaimed.

Selene rolled her eyes. "Because you wouldn't listen. Remember you hate me for some reason." She says looking at Daphne annoyed.

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