
When we finally pull up to the club and get out of the car, my heart is pounding so hard I think I might pass out, the music blaring from the inside enough to make me feel dizzy- not to mention the dozens of cars already parked here. Jase told me that it would be the richest of the rich, the more elite high schoolers in this part of Virginia, but I wasn't expecting... this many people. Judging by the number of cars, there must be 60 people. At least.

Music blares as we step inside the club, lights flashing and filling up the darkness that's all around us, reflecting off the sequined dresses, the shine in leather jackets meant to look a lot less expensive than they are. Couples dance under the purple and blue strobe lights, and I see a girl with white hair blowing smoke rings in the corner. And there's so, so much booze everywhere- on the counters people are standing on, the floors, in everyone's hands... and everything is sweaty and oh-so loud. But everyone seems to be carefree, loving it. Euphoric. I wonder why.

As soon as we step into the club, Jase leaves us, taking the arm of Seraphina Ross, who walks over with two glasses of scotch. "Hello there, handsome," she says, handing the amber liquid out. Jase takes it, and as his hand brushes against her long, pointed red fingernails, I have to fight the urge to slap the wall.
"I have to say, this is quite the party, 'Phina. You've really outdone yourself this time."

Seraphina chuckles, tossing her perfect blonde waves over her shoulder. "I mean, one only has so many opportunities to throw a rager in their family friend's club. I wasn't about to wait until summer... I wanted everyone to celebrate my return."

"Well, we should all be celebrating. I missed you," Jase winks, clinking his glass against hers.

Seraphina flutters her lashes in a light smile- before her eyes catch on Mayah and I, still a few paces behind Jase. "Jase, why didn't you introduce me to your friends?"

The way she pronounces Jase is more like Jaaaayse, the vowel drawn out and enunciated, almost whiny. And, while her tone is friendly, there's something in Seraphina's expression that does not look happy to meet us.

"They're not my friends. Sarah here knows my family, and I was-"

"Sienna," I correct him, crossing my arms. I know Jase knows my name, but purposely screwing it up was not part of our plan.

"Yeah. That," Jase says, though his gaze is still directly on Seraphina, rolling his eyes like he can't believe how annoying I am.

"Let's go," I mutter, taking Mayah's arm before we can stand here to humiliate ourselves some more.

I was planning on just finding a dark corner to curl up in and watch everything occur, but it seems that Mayah has other plans as she walks over to a group of girls all dancing together- Chrissa included. So at least there's that. Mayah steps into the circle effortlessly, like it's just something that takes no effort, but I somehow find myself on the outskirts, dancing just outside the group. No one even notices. But this is better than just being completely alone... right?

"Hey gorgeous." The whisper comes from my right, and I whirl around to find a tall, curly-haired guy who is, judging by the slur of his words and his clunky missteps, quite obviously drunk. "You've got quite an ass, there... wanna go get a drink?"

The hairs on the back of my neck immediately prickle- something about this guy, besides his... objectifying and very straightforward comments, is wrong. "No thanks. I'm good here, actually."

He grabs onto my arm, his large hands closing around it before I can twist myself away. "C'mon... have a little fun."

"Leave her alone, Westbrook," I hear Chrissa say, and I turn back to her, my shoulders sagging in relief when I see her. "Stop acting like a douche and maybe girls will actually want to go spend time with you. Now, I'd suggest you let her go before I bring Jase Turner over here. Trust me- you might be able to take us in a fight, but he'd break that pretty little nose of yours. And I'd just laugh."

Living With The Bad Boy [COMPLETE][VERSION ONE]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang