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"You have such pretty hair", Jenny says, holding some of it.
I had done an overnight hair curling technique because it doesn't always curl with a regular curling iron. Not that I really needed it since my hair has naturally got some curl to it. My hair's just too long and thick. The technique worked though. I now have nice wavy curls. Thank you youtube!
"Thank you", I say.

"So Jenn, when are you gonna ask Wally out??"
Her face instantly turned red. "I was hoping that m...maybe he would ask me out."
"I don't know Jenny. He seems a little too flustered. I think you should do it some time."
"You sound just like Bee She's always trying to find people to play matchmaker with, but alright alright. I'll ask him out on a date at the end of the Gala, then officially ask him on our date. Only because you are probably right."
I smile and clap my hands together. "Oh that would be wonderful. We must call Bee and relay this. She'd be so excited right now."
"We can, but wait until I'm done with your hair. You just have so much!"
I give her a sheepish smile and stay silent and still as she finishes up.

The day continues into the beginning of night. Jenny and I finally put on our dresses and, with the help of eachother, accessorize. We readjust our hair and sit patiently. I feel comfortable around her. She's really kind. The boys should be here soon. Both Wally and Dick would be picking us up at my house.
"I'm so excited", I say,"I've never been to one of these before."
"You'll love it Kori! I've been to like two in my lifetime. I mean it also depends on the type of gala. This is between Wilson and Wayne, so I'm assuming it will be pretty sophisticated."
I feel a little twinge of nervousness. I'm not good in American customs, despite me living here for the few years I've been around.
"Ah I see. Should I perhaps be nervous? I've never been to one of these before. I would not want to screw it up."
She waves me off.
"Don't worry Kori you'll be just fine."
I sigh.

"So you and Wally huh...."
She blushes and I giggle.
"I know I know. Just give me time."
I can just tell they will make a lovely couple.
"Oh Jen-"
The doorbell rings. I don't finish my thought.
"Speak of the devil", she says opening the door.
Wally appears in a gray suit, rose in hand.
He hands it to Jenny. "Here you are my lady." They laugh together and I smile. How cute!
He offers her his hand as they step out and behind them I see Richard.
"Good evening Kori."
"Greetings", I say taking in his appearance. He has on a black tux and his hair is slicked back. Surprisingly, he doesn't have his sunglasses on. His eyes seem to sparkle. I'm glad they aren't on.
"Yeah I didn't get you a rose. Sorry."
I giggle. "I think I'll be okay Richard. I mean Wally and Jenny are on an actual date. Don't worry I'll be fine ."

He pauses for a second.
"What did you call me?"

"Oh I'm sorry", I squeak," Bee said it'd be okay, but I totally should've asked you. I'll call you Dick if you wish."
Oh no! I shouldnt have said that.
He gives me a sheepish smile.
"Nah. N..no I actually prefer Richard. Now how about we head out?"
He opens the car door and I climb inside. He's okay with me calling him that? I'm glad!
I still feel bad though. Just a little.

I twirl my hair. I feel nervous. Richard notices.
"You okay?"

"Well I'm supposed to be your assistant! We're calling each other by first names and I barely know you. Somehow I ended up as your date for this important business party thing and I can barely get perfect english out of my mouth. I've never been to one of these before. What if I mess up? I really don't want to screw this up! I mean this is important for you right? I'm not.....I'm not proper."

"Calm down Kori. You'll be okay. We'll all back you up. Everyone will be more focused on my father and Wilson, and like I said before I hate this formal stuff. We can probably leave early too if you'd like. If you ever feel uncomfortable we can just go."

"I suppose I can still try."
Wow I guess I never thought about it like that. Maybe Richard isn't such a bad person afterall. The media must see a different side than what we see.
"You'll get used to it. Also don't freak out over the papparazzi. Just stand behind me. Ignore them if they ask questions."
I nod my head. So I have to deal with paparazzi too. I'm scared enough as is.
We all make small talk and by the time we arrive I'm a bundle of nerves. Richard gives my hand a quick squeeze, which brings me to my senses. He opens up the car door and offers his hand to help me out. As soon as I do, I see flashes of cameras all over. I give a nervous smile and half wave. Richard hooks his elbow around my arm and rushes us inside.
He whispers. "I'm sorry. You won't have to deal with them now that we're inside."
"It's fine. I'm fine" I'm just glad he's holding onto me.

He takes me to a table where Wally and Jenny are already sitting. I smile at them and feel a little better.
"I'm going to see my father. You can do whatever you like, or just stay here. Your choice."
He walks off and I watch as he meets up with the Bruce Wayne. He may be adopted, but Richard shares similarities with him. Both have black hair, blue eyes, and a muscular build. I'm staring until a woman says next to me, "Well hello there." I stop mysef from squealing and look to see Selina Kyle. OMG she's so much prettier in person. Her hair is short, just barely past her ears and a very dark brown color, almost black. She always looks stunning in all her photos, but in person........just wow! She's gorgeous.

"Uhhh h..hi Miss Kyle. Gosh, I was not expecting you. I'm so sorry."
She smiles.
"Sorry about scaring you. I just had to meet you. I saw you walk in with Dick. I'm assuming you're his date."

"I...yes, but just for business only. I'm actually his assistant. Don't tell anyone please! I don't want that to be public."
I wouldn't want the media to come after him for any reason.

"Oh. Don't worry I can keep secrets."
She gives me a wink.

"Yeah and I'm only here because he forgot about finding someone and didn't want to deal with Kitten."
She giggles.
"Yeah that chicks a spoiled rotten brat. I don't blame him. He made a much better choice."
I smile at her.

"Oh you know her?"
"Everyone knows her dear. We all know how much she wants Dick to date her too. Even Bruce hates her. He just acts like he likes her for business purposes. I can see why Dick would rather have you here. You know, you are very pretty miss Anders. And very sweet too. It's nice to see that boy with someone like you."

"You know my name? A...and thank you!" Selina Kyle just called me pretty! And sweet!
"Oh yeah. Dick told us about his new assistant."
He talks about me. I feel warmth rush through my body. I can't believe he's talked about me.

"You can call me Kori if you want. That's what Richard calls me. Don't tell Mr. Wayne this, but he hates all this formal stuff."
"Me too. Also I already know. Me and Dick go back a long way. He's almost like my son, I guess you could call it. Trust me, it gets annoying. I do enjoy the spotlight though....well sometimes. I like staying in the shadows every so often. Also don't worry about me spilling any secrets. I've been keeping them for a long time."

She smirks and a twinkle shines in her eye. It's like there's a whole different reasoning behind that statement.
"I'm gonna head back over there, but it was nice meeting you."
"You too!"
"I hope I see you around more often. Something tells me I will."
I blush. What could she mean by that?

Richard returns with 2 glasses of wine. He hands one to me.
"Much thanks."
He takes a sip.
"So you met Selina?"
I nod.
"Oh yes. She was very delightful and so.....mature. Are you two close?"
"Yes. She's been around me for a long time, even before Bruce was dating her. She's a mother figure to me honestly."

"She's very kind."
Suddenly the doors swing open and almost all noise stops. Standing there is Joseph Wilson.

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