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"Oh the Gala was actually kinda fun!"
I clasp my hands together as I relay the events. It's been a few days since then, but I haven't gotten the chance to talk to my friends about it and they really wanted to know. In fact, sitting here was me, Bee, Vic, Gar, and Rachel.
Jenny hadn't failed us. She did ask Wally out on a date and, as figured, he said yes.

Today marks two days since they officially asked each other out and the lovebirds are on a date. I'm so happy for them. Jenny's been giving us girls the gossip. I enjoy chatting with all of them.

"It was very fancy, so I felt a little out of place, but I had Jenny, Wally, and Richard. They really helped me out."

"Was there any vegetarian food served?"
Rachel sighs.
"Here we go again", she mumbles.
Victor gapes at Gar.

"You are weird man. No one wants that nasty tofu stuff. You need some protein. That's why you're so scrawny."

Gar jumps up.
"Dudddeeee. That's just wrong. Think about the animals. How would you feel if someone ate your family?"

I couldn't help but laugh at their bickering. Rachel looked annoyed and Bee was really close to slapping Vic, or Gar, or maybe both.

She just shook her head and moved closer to me and Rachel.
"So you and Dick huh?"
Bee wiggles her eyebrows.

I roll my eyes.
"Oh Bee. It's not like that, but I do think we're getting closer to being friends. He was very kind to me. Although, we haven't really gotten to talk much since then."

It's true. We haven't really had much interaction because of work. He's been really busy as of late and just seems to be stressed. I feel bad, but he is a big part of the company. I know he has his responsibilities. It just seems like it's really weighing him down.

Bee cringes as I tell her about this.
"Nope. Nuh uh. That's no good. We've got to get him out of that funk before he digs too deep. When he's into his work, he's really into it."

I slightly pout.
"Well, I'm not sure what there is to do."

Bee shakes her head.
"Just be glad you have me here. I gotcha. We'll get Dick feeling better in no time. I suggest we invite him out to hang with friends for some relaxation."

I smile. "Oh that is a wonderful idea!"

"Cool, then ask him tomorrow at work."

"Bee, don't you think it would be the better if you asked him personally. Just because I said we were starting to get closer doesn't mean I should be the one doing the suggesting of the friend hangout."

Bee shrugs it off.
"I don't see an issue. We're all friends with Dick and already friends with you. Plus, this would be a great way for y'all to actually get to know each other so all of us can be familiar. We can break the ice."

"Break the ice?", I question. It's embarrassing, but I still do not know all the types of phrases.

Rachel finally pipes in.
"Relieves tension. Makes things less awkward for people when you first meet them basically."

"Ooooh", I smile at her.

I look back at Bee.
"Okay sounds fun! I'll ask and let you know what he says tomorrow."

Bee waggles her finger at me.
"Yeah he doesn't have a choice in the manner. Tell him he's going or else I will kick his ass."

I giggle.
"I guess that works too."

Bee smirks.
"Great. Now that that's settled, who wants to hear about how Jenny and Wally asked each other out?"
We lean in. Who wouldn't want to hear?

The next day at work was pretty laid back for me. For the most part, I wasn't doing much but sitting at my desk, which was perfect for me. I told Bee I would tell Richard he was to do the hanging out with everyone.
However, he has been busy all day today. Earlier in the morning, I tried to get his attention but he was too busy on the phone.Every time I've walked by him, he's had some task to do, but now was a good time.
It's lunch time and I know he usually just eats in his office.

I approach his office door and gently knock.
I still want to be professional at work. I'm sure if someone heard me calling the boss Richard then I'd be in a lot of trouble.
It takes a couple of seconds, but I hear footsteps approach.
The door opens and there he stands, with his sunglasses off surprisingly.
Okay, maybe not too surprising. It is lunch time and it's not like I've never seen his eyes before.
"You can come in."
He steps aside and I walk in. The lights are dim. Must not be one to enjoy the light of the day I suppose.
He sits down and I sit across from him.

"So what's up?"
I smile at him.
"Well, Bee told me I had to tell you that we are going to do a friend relaxation trip of some sort this weekend!"

He raises an eyebrow.
"And if I don't go?"

"She will kick your ass."
He chuckles.
"Yeah that's what I figured. I guess I have no choice. I really don't want to deal with her wrath."
Now it's my turn to laugh.
I've only known Bee for so long and I agree with him. She seems like someone who always knows how to get her way.

"Oh joyous!"
I get up to leave.
"Well, I guess I'll just leave you to it then." Im about to turn when he stops me.

"Well actually if you don't mind, I'd love for you to join me for lunch. I've been stuck in my office all day and I don't think I've socialized in awhile. I'd enjoy the company....only if you're up for it of course."

I sit back down.
"I don't mind at all. To be honest, I get pretty lonely sometimes too."

"I can't imagine why."
He says it so matter of factly.

"Oh, I'm just...different. Not many people care to get to know me or only wish to talk because of my appearance."

"You are gorgeous."
He covers his mouth like he just blurted it out.
I twirl my hair and feel my face grow slightly warm.
"Oh. Well thank you."
He lets out a laugh.
"Sorry, that's not what I wanted to say."

"It wasn't."

"Oh...no no. I mean you are very pretty. Ha I was just gonna say you are gorgeous inside and out. You're easy to get along with and just really kind. Not many people are as approachable as you."
He places a hand to the back of his head.

I smile at him.
"I thank you. I'm glad we get along so well. I can't say that for many. You see, I truly only had 2 friends, but now that I've had this job, I've gained so much more. It feels so nice to be surrounded by such amazing people. I just wanted to thank you for accepting me to be in this position. And for taking me along to the Gala thing."

He smiles at me. It looks so much different than what I've seen in the papers. It's genuine. Not forced.

"In that case, I guess I'll just have to invite you out as my date more."

"I'd like that."

"So what exactly is a 'relaxation friend hangout'?"

I giggle.
"Bee was pretty vague about it. I guess we'll just have to see."

He rolls his eyes.
"So mysterious. I guess we will then."

Woooo! I love writing about them💗💅😩Literally my all time favorite couple and my favorite characters. I'm sorry for the long wait. I'm usually better than this, but I was doing good for the first few chapters and I just got busy. Don't worry tho, I still have my motivation and recently I've been watching teen Titans again and the urge to write about them is so strong😩💅💗✨Anyways, thanks so much for reading! Even if it's a few I'm still happy because it means y'all love RobStar as much as I do! See ya!

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