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Mr. Wilson steps in. All eyes are on him. He has on a gray tux. His hair is almost fully gray with a few streaks of black and white in it. His beard and mustache are almost the same way. His hair is slicked back like how I usually see it. I've seen him a few times in the magazines. And he always has that same eyepatch on. No surprise it's on now. He's messy and sophisticated at the same time.
Everyone has the same question, but yet no one knows the answer. Why does he wear an eyepatch? Perhaps he plays it off for tricks.

Yeah I am curious as well. Who wouldn't be, but I've seen people ask him and he dismisses them. He's got his secret. Best to leave it. I'm sure what's hiding under there is better left alone.

I suddenly feel a chill as his eyes meet mine. I think they did anyways. It was a split second. I don't know, something about him just radiates something.......off. Maybe I'm just being stupid, but it's like a chill swept through the room as soon as he stepped in. The atmosphere feels different. Tense...

"Do you need to see him too?" I ask Richard.

"No no. My dads got that covered. He'll call me over if he needs me. This is mostly just a meeting between Bruce and Wilson. Now I did say I wanna get to know you better, so mind if I ask a few questions?"

I am glad he is talking with me.

"Not at all. It will be nice to get to know each other." I avert my eyes from Wilson. Something tells me he isn't the type of man to piss off. To be honest, he just looks like someone you shouldn't be involved with in general.

He taps his glass.
"Hmm... so is your name actually Kori Anders?"

I laugh. "Yes. Do you think I faked my name or something?"

"No! I just thought since you come from somewhere foreign then maybe you had a different name. I was just a little curious."
His cheeks so the faintest blush. Even big shots like him get a little flustered sometimes.

"Okay well I suppose you'd be right. Actually my name is Koriand'r. I guess you can see why I had to change it a little."

"Oh wow. I can't believe I've never even heard of Tamaran before." He takes a sip.

His watch beeps. He looks down. His expression changes from calm to serious. I wonder why. Is he late to something? No that wouldn't make sense. Perhaps trouble at the office. The man is hard to read.

"Is something wrong?"
He sets his glass down.

"Uh no, nope. I just gotta do something real quick. Do you mind? It should be quick."

I'm confused, but I don't want to burden him with my curiosity. After all, he was nice enough to bring me here despite it not exactly being my intentions before.

"No, go ahead."

He rushes off and I swear I see Bruce and him nod at each other. Perhaps he also knows what is happening. They are technically business partners. As the phrase goes, duty calls.

I'm a little sad. I was looking forward to getting closer. But then again he is a businessman. I can't imagine the busy schedule. I'm sure it's tough. I can't imagine he's had it easy.
He ran off pretty quickly. I hope everything is alright.

Wally and Jenny come over.
"Hello guys!"
They smile.
"Where'd dicky boy run off to?"
I laugh at Wallys nickname for him.
"I don't know. Some sort of business emergency I would assume. He said he'd be back though."
I shrug my shoulders. I would like to know what happened.

They sit down.
"We'll keep you company then in the meantime. Can't have you getting bored at your first gala now."

A server carrying a tray of food walks by and Wally grabs some.
He hands me a ball shaped little piece of food.
"This is a fried Gouda cheese ball. Trust me you'll love it."
He bites into it.
I have never seen one of these before, but im not one to turn down food.
"It's sooooo good."
Jenny rolls her eyes.
"Calm down there. I swear you love food a little too much."

He smiles at her.
"I'm a hungry guy. What can I say?"

I take a bite myself and am submerged into a delicious cheesy goodness.
My eyes light up.
"Wow!! I love it."

They both laugh at me playfully.
"Is that your first time having one or something?"

I nod as I eat the rest.
"I have never had one of these so called cheese balls before. Surprising I know."

"Well maybe Dick will take you to more of these. I'd love to see you around. You are very sweet, Kori."

I smile at them.
"Much thanks! I never turn down the offer for more friends."
Jenny leans in.
"You know Kori, between you and me, I think you're just what Dick needs. He's so cloudy and you're like the sunshine."
I blush.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not saying dating or anything. Trust me, I know how Bee's been playing matchmaker. What I'm saying is I think it would be nice for you and Dick to get closer. I'm gonna be honest with you. It feels like he's been drifting away."

My brows furrow.
Wally decides to join in.
"It's not like he's been completely ignoring us or anything and he's still a fun guy, but I've noticed it too. It's like he's always got something going on in his head. I rarely see him without his sunglasses on and I feel something is plaguing his head. Work's been pretty shitty for him I'm sure. He's just been acting different than the guy I knew back in school."

"That is quite sad to hear. To me it sounds like he needs a break from everything."

Jenny smiles.
"Exactly! Which is why we're glad you're here. You're very......different Kori. I've only known you for so long and yet you feel so warm."
She laughs.
"Ok now I just sound cheesy."
I giggle.
"I'm gonna leave you two alone for a second. I'm just gonna get some air."
I rise from my chair.
"Alright we'll see you in a few then."

I step out onto the balcony and observe the sunset. It's one of my favorite things to do. Maybe it's the beautiful color or just watching the day change to night. Sunrises and sunsets have always drawn my attention.
I lean my head against the railing. The breeze feels nice tonight, despite it being cold. Though I prefer the sunshine and heat much more than the cold, I still have my days.

"Hello there", an unfamiliar voice breaks the silence.

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