Chapter 39 - Where It All Began

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Xiu Xiang didn't have time to access her injury. Song Yi Yan had used the chance to attack her too. She escaped death by nearly a second but it still wasn't enough. Song Yi Yan was already attacking again. 

She was done for. This is it. If she wasn't so injured, she could easily bring Snog Yi Yan down. Just as she was about to accept defeat, Wang Yue suddenly jumped in front of her to take the brunt of the attack. 

Was he saving her? Impossible! He shouldn't even be able to think!

A horrible large gash slashed across his abdomen. Blood seeped through the gash, bleeding into his white robes, creating a bloody bloom like flower effect. 

Xiu Xiang couldn't contain the shock within her when she saw that Wang Yue had jumped in to help her. She couldn't understand his actions. She was sure that WAng Yue hated her. Fro what reason was he helping her?
A hideous growl rippled out of WAng Yue's throat as he charged at Song Yi Yan like a crazy beast.

"Senior Brother! It's me! Why are you attacking me?!" Song Yi Yan cried. She struggled to fight against WAng Yue, depending more than she was attacking. The fight between the two of them kicked up dust and leaves. Each attack thundered loudly. If anyone was nearby, they would definitely come up the mountain to investigate. 

Upon this realization, Xiu Xiang knew she couldn't stick around. If her enemies were going to fight it out, she wasn't going to intervene. She gave one last look at the demon Wang Yue. With a shake of her head, she turned her back on him and fled. 

She sped up the mountain as fast as she could. The more she climbed, the more she recognized the place. She could hear a familiar sound. It was the whipping of harsh winds in the distance. 

It wasn't until she came upon a clearing that she realized where she was. At the end of the clearing was a cliff with a dangerous drop and heavy winds. She had somehow found her way to the Cliff of Abyss. The cave that she woke up in must be the same cave that Wei Xing and she had taken shelter in years ago. 

This was the place where everything started, the place where she bid her human life farewell and turned into eh Demoness. What are the odds that she would be here again with her life teetering on the edge of death? 

Along the edge of the cliff was a large rock with the words she had inscribed the day she escaped the bottom of the cliff. She saw that someone had inscribed something next to her words. Before she could take a closer look, she felt a murderous aura behind her. 

With a leap, she managed to avoid an attack. She landed several meters away just in time to see that where she had been standing before was a giant crack. 

Song Yi Yan had managed to thwart of Wang Yue and followed her all the way here. Her clothes were just as bloodied and mangled as hers, but she didn't seem to care. Her eyes were burning with rage. the moment Song Yi Yan realized where they were, a smirk erupted. 

"Well, would you look at this? Isn't this the place where we killed you once? How fitting for us to be here once again. It seems that you're fated to die here again." Song YI Yan cackled at the thought. 

Xiu Xiang wanted to laugh. With the attack that Song Yi Yan inflicted just now, Xiu Xiang knew that she was heavily injured just like her. This evened the playing field. Song YI Yan was going to have to think again if she thought that Xiu Xiang was going to die easily by her hands. She already died once and she wasn't about to die a second time, especially by the hands of her first enemy. 

"I told you before that when I get out of that hellhole, the first thing I'm going to do is use that whip of yours to torture you slowly."

Song Yi Yan had just seen Xiu Xiang point to the whip in her hand when she suddenly disappeared on the spot. Before she realized what had happened, Xiu Xiang had already stolen the whip from her hand and retreated to a distance. 

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