chapter 06: hots for the construction boy

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a/n: please don't be a silent reader!
much longer chapter to make up for how delayed my last update was. i hope you enjoy

Today, Anne learned that Minnie May was a picky eater when it came to morning eggs. As Diana dreaded listening to her vexatious sister explain her breakfast preferences (her mouth filled to the brim), Anne didn't mind at all. In fact, she learned that Minnie May's eggs required fluffiness (scrambled), with a little spice (salt & pepper), and a sprinkle of cheese- if not, they were left cold. Every weekend her insistence shifted to an omelet, or toast, finely spread with strawberry jam. Of course, neither of the older girls had that much of a preference.

As soon as Minnie May wolfed down her food, she practically hopped out of her seat to cause trouble in the garden. Finally, this left Diana and Anne to freely discuss their plans to visit Green Gables. Facing the wrath of Minnie May would mean a whole lot of whining if the child heard she was being left out of something. From experience, the girls learned that avoidance was definitely key.

"I almost forgot," Diana said, wiping her mouth clean with her cloth napkin. "I'm sure you recall having me ask Ruby whether she'd meet us at Green Gables, or would prefer to come along with us."

Anne nodded; since she still wasn't in school until the beginning of next week, the three of them communicated messenger style. Sometimes, Ruby would pay a visit to the Barry household. Yet there was an unspoken thrill about being able to speak through somebody else's lips, in this case, it was Diana's.

The brunette continued, swiveling in her chair to fully face her friend. "So, Ruby told me we must meet her by the barn, and should not stop by her house. No exceptions made!"

Anne crinkled her eyebrows, and Diana was glad to see that the off-putting feeling she got from Ruby's response, was mutual. "I asked why she was so unusually keen on walking alone, because as we both know, her enjoyment for strolls simply doesn't exist. However, she was quite dismissive and refused to properly answer me. Isn't it odd?"

"It is very peculiar," Anne agreed, lifting Diana's plate that was still littered with some crumbs, and stacking it on top of hers.

"And yes, Ruby always says she dreads strolls because they're lonesome and uninteresting. Which I obviously disagree with," Anne added on. "I'd believe a new leaf is being turned, but can you blame me for doubting that?"

Both wondering what might have gotten into Ruby, it was clear that breakfast had come to a close, and it was now time to dress. Their minds distanced from her behavior as they traveled upstairs, and Diana figured it was time to fill Anne in on the school gossip. This became an enjoyable routine, as Anne wished dearly that she could be of attendance.

Josie Pye was still hung up on Billy Andrews, which was no secret to the class. Miss. Stacy was even quick to see this, their incessant flirting and itch to be close to each other, grew to be rather disruptive. Considering neither were the best students to start off with, Miss. Stacy tried her hardest to shut it down.

When hearing this, Anne reeled, "They're both so full of themselves, imagine the utter insensitivity and cluelessness! It'll make them such a fine pairing- maybe, they can actually learn something from each other. Oh, but Josie can do much better than that piggish excuse for a boy."

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