chapter 15: sweet little lies

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happy thanksgiving!! ❤️❤️
i'm so grateful to have a fun platform where i can freely express anything in my writing, and play around typing little stories! i'm incredibly grateful for every person who comes across this note, no matter the time. i'm genuinely sending you so much love. thank you for being here.

enjoy this chapter, it's quite the opposite of giving thanks.

Saturday morning; light rolled upon the quiet hills, pouring across scattered ponds and glittering onto calm riverbanks. The chill in the air retreated around the warm hearts of Avonlea, as families gathered to converse over breakfasts of oats and honey before work. Rather most, hearts of Avonlea were warm.

"It's been a week," Diana stated, arms crossed against her chest, "Don't you know how horrendous it is to go without speaking, for a week!"

She stood in an unconfined manner, yet contained to a corner of the guest room, which occupied whom she was desperately trying to speak to. Criss-cross in the middle of the bed, was Anne, with her vision set on the door (hoping Diana would leave). Every once in a while, the ginger's stare would shoot to poor Ruby, the messenger owl between the bunch. Full of uncertainty as the mediator, her eyes darted to either girl in hopes of resolving.

Exhausted in her efforts, Diana nearly yelled, "How many more times do I have to apologize!?"

Then, lower since her family was awake downstairs, asked, "Will you ever forgive me?"

Anne glanced at Ruby, "Does it look like I will?" She raised with a deadpan expression.

Ruby slowly shook her head, "Definitely, not."

"Seems settled to me!" Anne sarcastically remarked.

No conversing was had between the bosom friends since the discovery of Diana's relations. Anne simply ignored her, and under any circumstance, would not give her the chance to make amends.

One night at supper, apologetic brown eyes prodded into blue ones all throughout the main course— so persistently— that once dessert came around, Anne thought it appropriate to share a story of hers. Of course, Diana showed encouragement, due to Anne's wonderful tales in story club. However, this fiction was about a particularly familiar boy and girl. Luckily the parents were too unimaginative to catch on, but Diana fell ghostly pale in fear, on the offhand they did work it out.

"Can't you reconsider, for all that I mean to you?!" Diana hollered, eyes welling.

As the misshapen banter rambled on, Ruby began thinking it was time she should be leaving. It felt like hours since Diana began this plea, practically dragging Ruby out of bed to come along. As they headed to the Barry's, the situation was briefly explained in a rush, and mostly flew over her head. After all, Ruby only agreed on the account of Diana promising to be an expressive and honest audience with the latest news on Moody, afterward.

Fidgeting with her fingers, Ruby cleared her throat.

"I think I'll be heading home."

"Stay," Anne replied instantly, smiling in a way that was both kind and slightly intimidating. "I'd much rather have your company."

Ruby faltered a smile in return, "I'll stop by another time."

Diana sighed, "Please, stay a little while longer?"

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