I turn the corner and almost smack into Mr. Higgins, the principal. His forehead creases when he realizes it's me. His face says it all, not again. He really does like me, he just has a hard time expressing it sometimes.

Mr. Higgins runs a hand over his face and sighs. "Get to class, Vienna."

"Yes sir," I say as I salute him.

"Don't be late." His eyebrows raise a fraction as he watches me.

"Aye aye captain."

"Don't ride your skateboard in the hallway," he calls down the corridor, annoyance written all over his face.

I walk backwards down the hallway so I can still talk to him, shrugging my shoulders in the process. "I won't make any promises."

He shakes his head at me and stalks back toward his office. I turn back around, laughing, but my shoulder hits someone. "Sorry," I say quickly.

"Watch where you're going," a deep voice mutters.

Turning to see who I ran into, I notice a scowl present on his flawless and tan face. Axel Sanders. One of the popular guys. Plays varsity basketball with my older brother and also a grump apparently.

I roll my eyes at his comment and continue heading to class, not bothering with a response. Walking through the doorway, I freeze as all eyes turn to me.

Ms. Mendes, a petite woman, looks up from the stack of papers she has in her hands. She motions for me to sit. "Late today, Miss Conley."

I cringe. "Hudson left without me." I explain to her. "He didn't even tell me he left."

Ms. Mendes chuckles. She had my older brother last year when he was a junior. Now, she has me as a junior.

"Take a seat, Vienna. I guess I'll let that excuse slide for the, oh let's see." She pretends to think about it by tapping her chin. "Is it the twentieth time now?"

Light laughter erupts throughout the classroom. In fake annoyance, I roll my eyes. She winks at me as I head to the back of the room, I smile in return. 

Ms. Mendes is one of my favorite teachers. Among other things, she has always made sure to make class enjoyable by still making sure we do our jobs as students.

I find my seat and sit in it as I lean my skateboard against the back wall. I'll have to put that up after class.

My best friend since freshman year turns to look at me with her long, blonde hair piled in a messy bun. "Did Hudson really leave without you again?" she asks. I can tell she's holding back a laugh.

"Yes. And my dad's okay with it."

"Not cool," Olivia says with a serious expression on her face.

"Right. It's not my fault."

"That you take forever to get ready."

"Exactly." I place my chin in my hand with my elbow propped up on the desk. What she said slowly dawns on me. Whipping my head in her direction, I say, "Hey!"

She laughs. "Sorry, I couldn't resist."

"Mhm," I mumble with sarcasm.

Olivia winks at me. "What song were you jamming out to?"

I crack a smile. "She Drives Me Crazy."

"Great song," she says, closing her eyes as she pretends to nod her head to the song as if it was playing.

I nod my head in agreement. We both have similar taste in music, being one of the reasons we became friends a couple of years ago.

The door to the classroom opens and two girls walk in. One of them is a senior on student council while the other girl is someone I don't recognize. Getting a new student in March is rare, especially as a junior.

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