The docs document

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Since people can't read it I'm gonna post the docs here

Hello everyone. I have a few things I'd like to discuss about. You (probably) know that Hosuh and Ivu have been dating/together for about 2 years now. We're all trying to be happy about it, but I know that the Stosuh shippers (including me) are feeling somewhat discomforted or sad.

Ivu, Hosuh, and Stephen are fine with the Stosuh shipping.

I also hear that some of you guys in the community are fighting. You guys are putting down Stosuh shippers for shipping Stosuh. Why would you? Sometimes ships just comfort people in times like this. If we're putting down Stosuh shippers for just shipping Stosuh, are you trying to start a toxic community? And for you Stosuh shippers, I hear you guys are literally going bizarre over this. I understand how you feel. But that gives you no right to be hating on someone's relationship, or the people who respect and accept it.

For you Stosuh shippers I'd like to say..

Thank you. Thank you for supporting me. I'll try to continue writing, but I don't know if I can honestly. I feel really terrible for shipping somebody who's already in a relationship. I know, they're fine with it, and I should "take advantage" of it. But I can't. I feel really guilty. I mean I can try to pretend like it doesn't exist, but I could also be like, "oh they don't really mind so I guess I could continue." For the ones who are putting down Ivsuh shippers or people who respect and accept them, just don't. Love is love, isn't that why you're even here? For the love? Do you really want to start an outburst in the community? Would you really try to break apart Ivu and Hosuh just for Stosuh? Would you give up such a nice group of people, just for your ship? No. And if you do, I am sorry to say this but.. Why are you even here? Are you here to bring us down?

I've known this community for 2 and a half years. And all those years, I didn't regret a thing. It's actually quite a good community without the ships honestly. I may ship Stosuh, but I won't force it upon Stephen and Hosuh. I wouldn't try to break apart what Ivu and Hosuh have. Would you want to make Hosuh sad? He's done so much for us, and it's our turn to accept and love him too.

For you people who are bring down Stosuh shippers I'd like to say...

Why? Why are you bringing down the Stosuh shippers? Do you have a reason to? Just because they may not feel all the way comfortable with Hosuh and Ivu being in a relationship doesn't mean you have to put them down. We ship Stosuh because we need something to comfort us in our dark hours or our sad hours. I know some of us Stosuh shippers are crazy, but those shippers need to learn what respect is, and if you're putting them down, you need to as well. Do you want to be the people who start the toxicity or even, the war in this community? Everyone's been through so much already, so I ask you, please stop. Please. They've been through a lot, and we don't need to give them another reason to quit.

This community has been here for me, and has helped me through my bad times. I love the community, and I don't like how it's doing. I am aware that eventually this'll get to Stephen, Hosuh, Ivu, Dan, and Ann. I choose to accept and respect Hosuh and Ivu because Danplan helped change me. The whole community changed me. They taught me new ways to see things, they taught me how friendship can last but break. They brought so much grief and happiness. I don't want to let go of such a beautiful community. I love them a lot, and I would be so devastated if you were the cause of it's shutdown. I do not want Danplan or AOP to end up like the "Gacha" community. Used to be so nice, but now so toxic.

Why am I doing this?

I'm doing this because I need to say something before it's too late. I need to get my word out before it gets any worse. I don't want to relive the same thing over and over again. I just want us to get over it, and get better overtime. I was doing just fine until yesterday, when everything got messed up. I want our community to forgive and forget. I want us to be able to get better, I'm not doing this for attention, I'm doing this for us. I really hope you understand.



794 Words.

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